24.Our Little Misunderstanding

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*Michael POV *

I had a meeting with the stockholders of our new branch. Explaining and sorting things with them left me tired and sore. I just wanted a good sleep or I would rather cuddle Ezra and sleep when she arrives.

I was at 'Ecstasy' the entire day. The new club after High Roller, well that's the name Ezra chose. I totally underestimated our popularity though. Thinking it's located in the outskirt, it might take some time to garner the number of customers we have at High Rollers. Yet, We all were left out-stunned with the number of people attending Ecstasy which indirectly led us to hire some more staff to lessen the burden. Even though we hired new staff unless and until everything is finalized, running back and forth between our clubs will remain a pain in my ass.

I was dead tired to even think about anything. From moving back and forth to the clubs and the drama that happened tonight, I decided to call it a day and simply went to my place. In the midst of all the chaos, I totally forgot about Ezra. She was gonna drop by the club but I didn't see her. Maybe she got caught up with some work. Not having the energy to check my phone, I dozed off without caring about the impending disaster.


The next morning I was awoken by the buzzing sound of my landline. I don't remember giving my landline number to anyone except Mark, Ezra, Stella, and Mom.

"Where are you, Mike? The meeting is about to start and we have been waiting for about an hour.", Stella screamed on the other side.

"Calm down Stella. The meeting is at 11. We still have time." I lazily replied while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"11 is long gone, dude. It's already midday." Glancing towards my clock I facepalmed myself for my tardiness. "Mark has somehow convinced Mr. Spencer for the lunch meeting. So be there on time. I will text you the address. "

"Oka..." She hung up before I could complete the sentence.

But why the hell is she contacting me through landline? What happened to the alarm? I walked back to my room to find my phone fully discharged. I felt like hitting myself for being so careless. Connecting my phone with the charger, I quickly dashed towards the bathroom to take a quick shower. I ran towards my car, checked my phone, and shit there were ten missed calls from Ezra and also a text that she might be late. That meant she came to the club last night. Then why didn't she meet me? Also, there was no morning text, she must be upset and angry. I made a mental note to call her after the meeting.

I arrived at the hotel and met with a glaring Stella at the entrance. "I know I fucked up but I can explain. "

"You definitely owe me an explanation but you should head inside first. Mark is trying to distract Mr. Spencer."

I went inside and quickly apologized for the inconvenience and my tardiness. The meeting went well. Stella and Mark went with Mr. Spencer to do some paperwork.

I sat in my car and decided to call Ezra but her phone went to voice mail. She must be really angry and pissed. Looking at the time, I thought she would be at work so I went to her office but she missed work too. Strange, Ezra is not someone who will miss work without a genuine reason. Maybe she is sick, I should check it out.

I soon arrived at her place but it was locked. What is happening? I wanted to see her so badly right now. I didn't get to see her yesterday and today she is cutting me off like this. Since we started dating, we see each other almost every day. Even with our increased workload, we managed to take time for ourselves. I sent her a text, *I am sorry baby. Just call me once. I will explain everything. I hope your anger subsides down fast. !!!*

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