20. Blossoming Love

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*Ezra POV*

I was wide awake, watching the sunrise. Wondering how life turns every time we plan. Sometimes it's funny how we are greeted with a surprise thrown by life.

This time I was going to embrace my life, my flaws, my insecurities. I will no longer be the woman who is confused in her life.

I expected myself to feel hurt watching Aiden and Elena getting married, yet all I felt was happiness. We might have a past but that didn't mean we weren't friends before and I have seen the sincerity in his eyes for her. The same sincerity Michael has.

After the night where we made out with each other, I have been avoiding any further talks. No, I didn't plainly ignore him, just that I didn't bring that topic out. Because it wasn't just a drunk kiss to me. It was my safe place.

Michael is my savior. Yes, it's true my first intention towards him was to get him to cuddle me. But I am afraid now because I can't have a man like him. Not with the profession, he is in.

I decided to help my team in packing everything up. It felt good to know that Elena and I are on the same page now. At least there won't be any more chaos in this marriage.


Arriving at my apartment, I kicked my heels off and instantly went towards the kitchen. I felt tired and high from all the work and little alcohol that I had consumed. I had a meeting with Nick and the rest of the team to finalize the arrangement for the wedding and reception.

As I was about to call Nick and tell him to gather the team, my doorbell rang. Striding towards my door I opened my door and came face to face with Michael.

What was he doing here? I don't remember calling him.

"Good morning Ms. Ezra. How was your night?" He walked inside and plopped on my couch.

"Put your shoes here Mike. You know I don't like people roaming around my house with their footwear on." I scolded him.

"Yes ma'am, on it. Damn, someone is salty. What got your panties twisted baby?" He said, knowing very well how to get on my nerves.

"Shutup. There isn't anything like that. I am just tired and tipsy." My tone was a little harsh than I intended it to be.

"The tipsy Ezra I knew is not salty, rather horny." He said reminding me of our night. Why was he annoying me?

"Says the one who easily got seduced." This time it was my turn to smirk at his reaction.

The shock he had on his face quickly turned into something I couldn't decipher.

He took slow steps towards me, not breaking the eye contact. I felt my palms turning clammy.

In no time, he was in front of me. His breath fanning over my face. I could feel his muscular build chest pressed against me. I just hoped he wasn't able to hear my erratic heartbeat.

We didn't speak anything. Just kept staring into each other's eyes. His beautiful green eyes were sparkling. Those eyes captured my attention in an instant. They were piercing through my soul right now.

He cupped my cheeks with his warm hand. The warmth felt so comfortable and enticing.

"You are doing things, no women has ever done." His husky voice sent a shiver through my spine. I could feel myself getting warm and wet.

"What am-m am I doing to you?" Damn my stuttering. Where went my freaky bold version when required?

His arms snaked around my waist pulling me closer if that was possible. Leaving no space between us. With one hand still holding my face, he leaned and kissed me.

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