18. Catfight

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*Ezra POV*

I wasn't expecting Nick to knock on my door in the middle of the night.

"Ez...Hi?" Nick stood there looking all glorious. If only he didn't possess fuckboy personality, I might give it a shot.

"Hey babes! Won't you allow me in?" He said with a sly smile on his face.

"Nick you have a proper reason for disturbing me in the middle of the night."

"I heard you have problems sleeping, thought might give you some company."

Is he joking? How the fuck does he know about it? I don't remember telling him.

"You should leave Nick. It's quite late and I would like to be left alone."

"C'mon Ezra, I am not trying to invade your personal space, just being a good and helpful co-worker." I should have known Nick can be quite persistent. This guy never understands what 'NO' means.

"My problems are none of your concern. And thank you but I don't need any help."

"Ezra, are you doubting me?"

Yes, but I didn't say that aloud. I mean why would he come at this hour. Not that I am narrow-minded. But still, him suddenly showing up at this hour was quite fishy. "You are assuming Nick. I am just too tired to invite you know..." he barged inside my house even before I could complete my sentence. "Woah woah what are you doing?"

"Chill Ezra. I haven't been to your place ever. Thought should give myself a tour." He said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nick my house isn't an art gallery exhibition where you can come and have a tour. To top it all, I am tired." I meant it. I was too tired of all the drama that happened today.

"Of-course your house isn't an art gallery. But it's still better and cozy than mine." He said roaming around as if he owns it.

"Nick I would like you to leave", I said with my stern voice.

"Where are your manners, Ezra? Is that how you treat a guest at your house?" He plopped down on the sofa and kept his leg on the coffee table.

At this point I was tired of arguing with him. I just wished he would leave as soon as possible or maybe Taysha could give a surprise visit so it becomes easy to throw him out.

"So tell me what is your relationship with that taken dude?"

"Mind your words, Nick." Taken dude. Huh. He was with me when Elena decided to destroy it.

"You know everyone always thinks  of you as someone with great intellect and  a sweet girl. But today's afternoon drama proved something else."

"You tell me, Nick. When did you manage to have such great gossip skills? Was it because all your time is occupied with women that you have forgotten how to behave like a man?" I knew my words were sharp and rude but he had no right to judge me either.

From his facial expression, I knew I had overstepped but this is what he will get for walking over me and invading my privacy.

He was about to say something when the doorbell rang again. I kept hoping for it to be Taysha so that I could easily throw him out.

But it was Michael when I opened the door. What was he doing here right now? I don't remember texting him to come tonight.

"Why didn't you tell me you were home?" I could see he was upset.

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