16. A Kiss To Start

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*Ezra POV*

Time flew fast after seeing Aiden in that restaurant and it was already weekend. Today I have plans with Michael.

Since that day we have been cuddling at my place. I felt grateful. He knew how hard it is for me to go to work nowadays. He didn't even stop once asking about my mood. To spoil me more he would bring my favorite food and dessert. I would pour my feelings out to him and he would just listen and caress me in his arms.

Thankfully, I didn't have to face Aiden so much. I knew how to be professional and heck I wouldn't lose my job and dream for some cheater.

I finished getting ready by the time the doorbell rang. Opening the door I was engulfed in a big bear hug.

"Haven't you been hugging me a lot lately?", I said playfully.

"Can't help your squishy. I mean your body fat is at least of some use you know."

Did he just call me fat indirectly? He watched me and sensed something was coming his way. Before he could even react I kicked his ass for real, making him tumble down on the floor. This time it was me who was laughing like a gorilla. He was busy massaging his ass. "Fuck shit. This hurts like hell."

I couldn't help but click photos of him. This was too funny. I was busy laughing that I didn't even see him pulling me down. He hovered over me with my hands above my head. "Hey, what the fuck? Leave me." I squirmed under him, trying to free myself.

"You really thought that you could kick me and get away with it, huh?" He said, his breath fanning over my face. I couldn't even mutter a word.

Just then Taysha entered the house with Suzy in her arms. They both were shocked. I could see Taysha's eyes enlarging. If I hadn't been in such a situation, I probably would have laughed at her priceless reaction. Her eyes were wide as if someone has forcefully taped it.

I pushed Michael off me. "It's not what it looks like."

Coming back to her senses, she replaced her shocked expression to a sly one. I growled at her. This definitely didn't look good. "You could have told me, Ez. I wouldn't have interfered. And you guys need to tone it down. I have a kid, stop behaving like bunnies."

I was shocked at her allegations. Heck, we weren't doing any such things. I was about to protest but Michael butted in, "I am sorry Taysha. Next time we will be a little discreet and try not to hop on each other."He winked and smacked my ass. This fucker just looks for a chance to embarrass me. "Anyways babe, c'mon we are getting late." He went out to wait for me in his car.

I was gonna leave with him when Taysha stopped me, "let me tell you one thing. Car sex is super sexy but make sure you don't tangle your leg in between the seats. We all know how fucking clumsy you are."

What is wrong with the people around me? I glared at a laughing Taysha, "why are you here though?"

"You forgot? I came here to pick Suzy's stuff. I did inform you."

Yes, she did. I was too busy with work and my emotional roller coaster. "Sorry, Tay. I was busy with the wedding."

"How is your wedding prep going on?"

"Hell. You wouldn't believe whose wedding it is?"

She waggled her eyebrows for me to continue. "Aiden."

"WHAT!!!!". I am not lying when I say I really had to block my ears. Suzy herself got scared to see her mother shouting like a monster. "You are giving me details. Why are you working for him? How can he marry so fast?"

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