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Emma needed a blackhole to swallow her up. Just when she thought things were looking up, it took a turn for the worst. Eamon was looking at her peculiarly. Jeff stood with his arm around her shoulder and a large smile. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Juliet," said Eamon slowly. He looked between Jeff and Emma. He was trying to make sense of it all. Emma wanted to run.

"Yes," answered Jeff. "We met two weeks ago." Eamon continued to stare between them. He shrugged and stepped past them towards the others.

"Sorry I'm late." Emma watched Eamon bend to kiss an elderly woman hello. The woman smiled up at him. Eamon moved on to greet the others.

"How do you know him?" Emma asked Jeff.

"He's my best friend. My mom used to work with father at Fairview Hospital. We grew up together." Jeff dropped his arm and looked at her with a grin. "He's more of a brother to me." Emma's heart continued to thud aggressively. "Come on, let me introduce you." He pulled her forward towards his family. The first person he stopped in front of was the same elderly woman Eamon had greeted earlier. "Mom, this is Juliet." Jeff introduced.

His mother stood up from her seat and stuck a hand forward in greeting. She wore a flowing floral dress that stretched to her toes. Her fiery red hair was cropped against her nape. Her smile was welcoming and her skin droopy with age. "I'm Nora. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Emma gave a small smile. "Thank you for allowing me to be here."

Nora's smile extended. "I like woman who are polite." She looked behind her and waved at an older man who stood by the barbeque. He wore a white golf shirt and chunky brown shorts. The older man walked towards Nora. His hair was thin and white on his head. As he got closer, Emma could see empty patches between his hair. He had a thick pudgy nose and calm brown eyes. He smiled at Nora.

He looked at Jeff and Emma and smirked. "Who is this beautiful girl Jeff?" he asked.

Emma blushed. She'd never had so many people call her beautiful in pone night. Jeff stood proud. "This is Juliet."

The man's smile stretched. "Finally, we get to meet you. I'm Tom." Emma shook his hand. Tom looked behind him. Emma saw all their guests looking at them. Tom rose his hands wide and yelled, "Juliet has arrived!" They all cheered. Soon, the guests started making their way towards her. Each one introduced themselves and explained their connection to Jeff. Emma was overwhelmed. The faces and names had started to blend into one another. She continued to nod and smile, hoping the pleasantries would end.

Through the greetings, Emma's eyes kept wondering to the back of the yard. Eamon sat alone on a lawn chair with a beer in his hand. His eyes never left hers.

"Are you having fun?" asked Jeff after the last guest had introduced themselves.

Emma glanced at Eamon again. He was frowning. She gulped and looked back at Jeff. "Loads," she lied.


The night moved on without any drama. It did nothing to erase Emma's worry. Eamon hadn't spoken to her once. He'd made sure to stay far away from her all night. Jeff had noticed and it upset him a lot. He'd been watching Eamon as much as her. He looked miserable in his corner. It was odd to see. He always had her parents' attention. He always had the hospital staffs' attention. It seemed that with Jeff's family, he was overlooked easily.

"He looks sad," Emma said quietly. Jeff heard her and followed her gaze.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with him. He's usually the center of attention." Jeff looked contemplative. "Maybe I should-"

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