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(I thought of something to hopefully make your reading experience better. I would recommend playing soft songs while reading this part <3)

Tzuyu's POV
"I miss you Tzuyu, I'm sorry for everything."

Those were the exact words that came out of his mouth.

I was just staring at his face when I started tearing up.

"You asshole Y/N. Why the fuck do you have to leave me like this. To suffer?" I couldn't hold back my emotions.

"You dont know how much I missed you Y/N."

"You look as pretty as ever honey. I miss you so much." He said with a slight smile.

It was a very subtle smile but I could see the pain in his eyes.

"If you really missed me then you wouldn't fake your death. You wouldn't do shit to hurt me Y/N." I said as I cried more.

He looked hurt with what I said.

I hid my face in embarrassment from what I said.

"M-Mianhe Y/N, I just missed you a lot."

" How have you been there? The girls good?" He asked.

"We're all doing fine here. Charles has been taking good care of us!" I enthusiastically said since I wanted to bring the mood up a bit.

"That's great news Tzuyu." He uttered with a cold stare.

I decided to ignore it.

"H-Hey um Y/N. Why did you fake your death, and how did you do it? I was sure you're dead back in Seoul. Where are you right now?" I asked as I sat down on the ground.

"Whoa whoa take it easy there beautiful. One question at a time."

Then he explained everything to me.

"First of all. I never expected myself to escape with you. So I had a plan in case everything goes wrong in which, everything did go wrong.  My wounds and injuries were real. The gunshots that you saw go through me. Those were real. The moment I shut the door and signalled you to leave, I shot the guy who shot me, then I knew I had to make a plan. I had to make it out alive. So I went to the body of the person I just killed, I swapped clothes, burnt his body and left him where you last saw me."

"Next thing, I know that after the news about Jungkook came out, the other members would go out hunting me. So I couldn't just catch up to you because it would bring you more danger. I just decided to hide and lay low for a bit. A friend of mine, Jackson,  helped me and I'm staying at his place right now. It's very secluded so no one knows where this is."

"But before I called Jackson. Before he was able to help me. The worst thing happened Tzuyu. They found me. The other members of BTS found me Tzuyu. I wasn't able to defend myself because I was so weak, I still had injuries. They held me captive and they decided not to release it to the news. They tortured me Tzuyu. They beat me to the ground. They left me stranded for days with nothing to eat. They kept electrocuting me because I wasn't answering their questions. If you're curious about who was talking to you at that time, before all this rescue mission shit. I contacted him and told him about everything that he should do. So he was the masked man talking to you for about 7 days. Long story short. Jackson was able to help me get out of BTS' hands."

"Fast forward a few days, I was the one talking to you, Instructing you that it should be the last night you go to Luneta. That's the same day I killed Tae-hyung. The guards who are protecting you there? They're my people. Then I trained for around two months. Jackson was a specialist with swords, I wanted to learn his ways. We trained and trained. That's why the next assassinations were from katanas."

"I didn't want anything to ruin your lives anymore. I wanted to make sure everything would go back to normal for you girls once everything is done. I'm so sorry I put you in so much pain Tzuyu."

I was overwhelmed with everything. I mean, him getting tortured, his struggles. All of that for me?

"I-Im sorry I couldn't understand your situation Y/N, I'm just so happy that you're alive right now." At this point I don't know if my tears are tears of pain or joy.

After that, we talked about many normal things. On how my life has been here the past months. What he and Jackson did on their free time. He even introduced Jackson to me. He was a very handsome man.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Tzuyu, me and Jackson need to go now. Stay safe alright? Don't do anything stupid. Never trust anyone else but me and the girls okay? I love you so much honey. I won't contact you anymore the phone might get tracked by the government. See you soo Tzuyu." He instantly hangs up.

I couldn't hold back my excitement and hapiness.

He's still alive!! I still have something to look forward to everyday.

I can't wait to be reunited with him again.

I go back to the house all smiley.

I couldn't stop smiling from seeing him. It's like the first time we kissed. That's the way I felt.

Everybody was asleep at the time so I had to keep quiet to avoid waking anybody up.

I went to my room and I covered my face with a pillow and started kicking my bed.

I was so happy tonight.

But it was getting late again so I tried to sleep.

I held the necklace again.

"I hope to see you soon my love. Stay safe out there. I love you so much."

(I recommend to listen to God's Menu by Stray Kids for this part)

Charles' POV

I heard everything.

And Y/N told her everything.

This would be a big problem if she tells the other members about this.

I called K again.

"What is it this time boss."

"They're starting to know everything here Kim. I think it's time." I said as I looked closely if anyone was listening in.

"Don't you think it's too soon for that Charles?" He asks.

"No we need to capture them now. Or else the plan we formulated for how long will all go to waste. Do your part of the job. You're the best guy I know for that job. Show me what you're capable of." I said as I flipped a coin on my left hand.

I have this belief that if you ask a coin something and you flip it. It will land on heads if everything will go your way. It will land on tails if struggles are about to  come.

I asked the coin about my plan. I flipped it

It landed in tails.

I felt goosebumps go through my body.

"Alright boss, time to move tomorrow. You know where to take them. You can handle the guards there?"

"Is that even a question Kim? Of course I can handle the guards here. Don't worry about me just do your end of the plan." I said as I became more tense because of the coin.

"Then Plan misdirection is in progress boss, wish us luck." Kim says before I hung up.

I have to finish everything right here right now.

I'm going to get what I want.

Just wait and see.
Hey there! So sorry if this update took long I was so busy with everything happening in my personal life.
Also I have my next stories in mind so I'll have a new story out as soon as I finish this.

Thank you for all your support and I hope y'all enjoy this update!! ♥️♥️

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