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Charles' POV
Tonight is the night that will dictate my future.

Everything that I prepared and worked for.

I paid so much for this too.

I have to do this perfectly. No mistakes or else everything would just go to waste.

I made sure everyone was asleep before I did anything. It was getting frustrating since they took long to sleep.

All they did was chat at the living room about nonsense. Stuff that normal people don't talk about.
These 9 girls are so chaotic.

While I was waiting, I reflected on what happened the past months when Y/N went to rescue Twice.

"Okay Charles, Jungkook has them. The money?"

"It's here man, good job to all of you. But I have on favor to ask."

"What is it Charles?"

"I need you to teach me combat skills Kim." I told him as I put a serious look on my face.

"Look man, you making us capture Twice is enough. Now you want me to be your mentor? Fuck no man get outta here." Kim says as he walks away.

"How about 5 million dollars? How does that sound?" I shouted.

Kim slowly turned around to face me. He walked back towards my direction.

"No matter what you do Charles. Y/N will find a way. He will destroy you. You're not Jungkook man, he was born  with that talent. You? You're just a normal man. A wimp. Accept it, you can't defeat Y/N in any way possible." Kim whispers as he continues to walk away.

(End of flashback)
Ill prove him wrong.

At this time, it was silent. I heard the crickets, the air conditioners. I heard nothing from the girls. So it's time to move right now.

I checked every room to see if anyone was still awake, and to my luck no one was awake.

Sana always goes on vlive at this time since she can't sleep, but finally that bitch just shut it and slept.

I crept to Y/N's room where Tzuyu is sleeping and I opened the closet. I opened his weapon wall and tried to pick up one of the guns.

There was this one gun that Y/N kept talking about. It was the FN SCAR. He said it was so precious to him and it was one of his most prized possessions.

 He said it was so precious to him and it was one of his most prized possessions

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Though I didn't see it on the wall, but the wall started speaking to me.

"Hello there Mr. Charles, why have you summoned me? Perhaps there's danger nearby? Do you want me to call the authorities?"

"Don't call police, I was just supposed to get a gun to bring to my room in case of emergencies, keep quiet Tzuyu is sleeping." I whispered as I checked to see if Tzuyu was fazed by the wall, luckily she slept through it.

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