Party at Mav's

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Blue x Coconut (Modern RP)

Scene 1- Party at Mav's

"This is so stupid." Char was sitting in the passenger seat, leaning against the window with her arms crossed. "Ever since you started dating that douchebag, you've been acting strangely. Going to a party? The Blue I know would never."

Blue was busy staring at his complexion in his car's rear view mirror, his hands running through his freshly dyed blue hair. "Calm down, Char. It's not a big deal," he cleaned his thick black glasses with his shirt before putting them back on and checking his face one last time. "It's not even a school night."

Char huffed and turned her face away from the window. She looked absolutely stunning. A thick braid of her purple hair wound around the back of her head, holding her hair out of the way besides the two long strips she let hang on either side of her face. Her dark black lipstick made her freckles and dark brown eyes pop against her lightly tanned skin. "Blue. We're on enemy territory. I don't think Mav's friends will be too happy when they see faces from the college uptown intruding on their party."

"Exactly. We attend a different college. No one will know who we are." He gave a look that told her she was being ridiculous.

"Right. Because it's not like the top members of our class have been plastered all over school news. Say, aren't we those valedictorians?"

Blue couldn't care less about whatever Char was going on about. "Do I look okay? Will Blaize like it?" He wore a nervous smile.

Char ignored him. "May I remind you the art school hates ours?"

Blue rolled his eyes and stepped out of the car. Char did the same. They walked together up the sidewalk to the house booming a music that strangely came off as alluring to Blue. "If you don't like this idea, why are you even here then?" He pushed his nerves down as they approached the door.

Char suspiciously quieted and Blue wondered why a blush was slowly creeping over her face. "B-because... I met someone, ok?"

Blue gave her a knowing look and laughed. "You met someone. Someone you're interested in? Are you serious? After all the times you told me dating was a waste of time?"

The door opened at that moment, and Blue's heart stopped dead in his chest. Blaize stood in the doorway looking hotter than ever leaning against the frame while running a hand through his long loose chin-length black hair. He wore a dark green shirt, on it, a gold thread formed the shape of a poised snake with long fangs. He wore a black leather jacket over that and one gold earring dangled from an ear. "Hey, Gorgeous..."

Char rolled her eyes.

"And Char."

She shot him a glare.

"What are you two doing hanging around out here? Were you about to knock? This is a party. Walking in unannounced is enough to announce your presence. That's how you enter a Maverick party." He grabbed Blue by the arm and pulled him inside. The music, lights, and people overwhelming him. "So how do you like it? Have I set this party aBlaize?" He punned, arching a godly eyebrow.

"I wouldn't know, I haven't attended any- many parties." Blue said awkwardly and smiled nervously. He was excited to be there but mostly just wanted to impress Blaize. He wasnt succeeding so far.

Blaize let go of him. rolling his eyes and groaning. "Oh my god, you are so lucky I'm your boyfriend or else you would be living under a rock. Come on, I'll show you how to have a good time."

"Just wait a minute, Blaize." Char stepped between them. "I hope having a good time doesn't involve getting Blue drunk and having your way with him."

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