Coconut's Classes

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For the second time that week, Coconut woke up peacefully. He sighed and relaxed his hold around Blue, nuzzling his boyfriend.


Blue was an early riser but last night was so physically draining that he was probably going to sleep through the morning so long as Coconut didn't wake him. So he wasn't conscious when Coconut awoke. 


After a few more minutes there was a light knock on the door. Coconut groaned. "What?"

"You have class in forty five minutes, master." Coconut recognized the voice as his head maid. "Do you need help getting dressed?"

Coconut practically moaned his discontent. "I'm not five, so no. Thanks for waking me up, is breakfast ready?"

"Almost, sir." 

"Alright. Go back to your duties, Farlen." Coconut sat up in his bed and dragged his hands down his face with a huge groan.


Blue was still sleeping. At the sudden loss of body heat, he made a strange expression and then curled up for warmth. If he had been awake to hear the conversation between maid and master, he would have laughed and made fun of Coconut. 


Coconut swung his legs out of bed and sighed, not wanting to get up. He glanced at Blue and pulled the cover back over him, deciding to let him rest more. Coconut stood up and walked into the bathroom groggily, accidentally slamming the door, but too tired to care.


Blue sat up quickly at the loud sound, looking around in confused fear. At first, he didn't recognize where he was and then he felt the warm imprint of Coconut's body in the mattress and remembered everything which explained why his butt was killing him. 


Coconut did his normal morning routine and stepped out of the bathroom, still extremely tired and didn't even notice Blue was awake. He made his way over to a door in the other wall and opened it to reveal a huge, walk-in closet.


Blue scowled at his back, heavily annoyed. "You are the loudest person." Then he shut up and raised his eyebrows when he disappeared into the closet. 


Coconut sloppily grabbed a random red sweatshirt and then a pair of sweatpants, not caring enough to try to pick a nice outfit. He walked back out of the closet. "Did you say something, Angel?"


Blue was sliding out of the bed and inching his way toward the closet, walking inside. 


Coconut shed the clothes he slept in and tugged on the new ones, face planting into the bed again and moaning into the mattress in clear annoyance of having to wake up.


Blue was touring the closet blushing at the expensive suits he found on hangers. "Coconut, can I wear your clothes?" 


"Yeah." His answer was muffled so he turned his head to the side. "There's a section in the back that probably has your size."


Blue wasn't listening anymore. He stepped out of the closet wearing a suit jacket and a bowtie he tied around his neck. Nothing else. "I think I'll wear this, what do you think?" 

Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now