Grow Old With Me

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On the way back to the dorm, Blue grabbed Coconut's hand again. "Wait, I just remembered. We should pick up the last of my things from my old dorm on our way back." 


"Oh, yeah. Then we can also tell Mason that Ellie can move back in with him." Coconut smiled at the thought and changed his route to Blue's dorm.



Once they made it to Blue's dorm, Blue wasted no time in going in and packing up his things, leaving Coconut with Mason in the kitchen.


Coconut smiled at Mason. "Hey, man, guess what?"


Mason gave him an irritated look and sighed. "What?" He picked out a cup from a cupboard, tipped it toward the light shining through the window and put it back, picking up another and doing the same thing before rinsing it and then filled it with water. Then took a sip.


"Ellie can move back in with you!"


Mason spit the water in the sink and turned on Coconut quickly. "What?" Surprised. 


"Yeah! Since Blue's moving back in with me, Ellie can take his room, or… sleep in your room. Whichever you like," Coconut said with a teasing smirk.


"Did you talk to the school?"


"The principle, yeah."


"Why did you do that?" He yelled, put his hands to his head and messed up his hair. 


"What do you mean? Didn't you want to be able to live with Ellie again?" Coconut looked confused.


"No! Yes! No!" He couldn't make up his mind. "I-I don't know! I didn't think you would actually talk to the school!" He was pacing. 


"What's so bad about that? They already knew you two were together. That's why they split you up." 


“So, they moved Ellie back in even though they knew that we were in a relationship? Yuno, we’re not dating anymore. He broke up with me.” 


"I talked to him about it. He still loves you, and when I talked to him about moving back in with you, he asked me if I really thought he would say no."


“Are you sure?” He looked ticked, and leaned his hands on the table. “Because the last thing he ever texted me was: sorry for everything, I guess we can’t really be together any more so this is me breaking up with you.” He repeated the text impressively well from memory since he had read it a million times.


Coconut gave him a sad smile. "Look, I know when my best friend is lying, okay? Just give him another chance. The school won't separate you again." He rolled his eyes. "I basically bribed the principle."


“But...I don’t even know if I’m ready to see him again. When is he coming back?” 


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