Moby Dick

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After a few minutes of silence, Blue had been awkwardly thinking. "Hey, so...if, if i'm- what if-" he cleared his throat. "You said I'm just living with you now?" 


"Yeah?" Coconut glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes.


"Um. Well, what if we suddenly...break up or something?" 


Coconut tensed up. "Well… I mean… I wouldn't kick you out immediately, unless you did something really bad, but I don't want to think about things like that. Okay, Angel?"


"Really bad? What kind of really bad things do you think I would do?"


Coconut shook his head. "I don't think you could do anything that was bad enough for me to straight kick you out of my house, not that I can think of."


"Nevermind. I'm only saying that most couples don't live together exactly for this reason. What if… what if living together is a bad idea because it'll hurt so much when we break up." 


"Wh-When we break up?" Coconut asked shakily.


"What? Oh god, no. I meant if. Sorry. If." He looked out the window with a red face and pulled on his shirt collar.


"Ei-Ei-Either way… you're doing the what if thing again…" Coconut pulled up to the dorm and stopped the car, looking down and fiddling with the keys.


"Again? I've what if-ed before?" Blue looked at him, unbuckling his seat. "And...I'm sorry, I was just might not be a good idea to a house together like we're married because we're not." 


Coconut clenched his fists and sighed. "You did it during our… argument. And I'm not trying to sound… needy or attention seeking, but… I can't sleep without you anymore."


"You can't? Oh, that's right, that's your reason for keeping me in your bed." Blue sighed. "That's not going to be a good enough explanation." 


"Wh-What?" Coconut looked up at Blue, hurt. "What does that mean?"


"I mean…" Blue sighed and put his hand to his forehead like he had a headache. "We can't hide like this from my family forever. My parents are going to find out. And not only are the extremely homophobic, but they wouldnt be too proud about me sleeping with you every night. It's unhealthy…" He quoted his dad.


"H-How's it unhealthy? When you left for the first night after we started dating… that night terror was one of the worst so far. And they'll only get worse. I-It's scary to be alone when I wake up, Blue. That's why I needed you there."


"You really need me, Coconut?" He turned around on him again. 


"Of course I do." Coconut met his gaze with his head tilted down.


"Like….just me?" He asked. "You still had night terrors with one-night stands?" 

Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now