Coconut's Too Cool for Cooledge

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Once Blue reached his class’s door, he slumped against the wall and groaned. “I’m going to have to walk in there in front of everybody and-” He facepalmed and then broke off in a gasp and backed off the wall, his hand on his ass.


Coconut stepped forward quickly. "Are you okay?"


Blue let out a soft sigh. “It’s this thing in me, it’s making's hard to walk with.” He steeled himself and faced the door.


"Wait, Blue. Am I going inside with you?"


Blue grabbed his arm and opened the door, rushing in with him. He needed Coconut right now more than anything. “Sorry,” He said to the professor and headed for the back of the class. “Is it alright if one extra joins us today?” The professor was annoyed with Blue’s interruption but didn't seem to mind Coconut being there so she dismissed them and continued her lesson. Blue sat down at a back table and pulled Coconut down with him. 


Coconut made himself comfortable and kicked his legs up on the desk. "What class is this?"


Blue slowly turned his head toward him, gawking. Then he threw his hands out. “Really?” He mouthed at him. 




Blue swatted his legs. “Get down.” He mouthed angrily. They caught the attention of a boy sitting in front of them who tapped the arm of the guy he was sitting next to and he turned around too. “Hey, Blue.” The first whispered.

Blue only looked at him questioningly. “Isn’t he that guy from the art school that kidnapped you?” He was snickering. 

Blue rolled his eyes. “Ha.” He was unsure of how to respond.


Coconut looked at the boy for a moment. "You seem like a complete asshole."


Blue looked at Coconut and shook his head like now really wasn’t the time. 

The other guy joked, “So who are you then, his boyfriend or something?” The other cracked up quietly.

Blue squeezed his fists, hoping Coconut wouldn't say anything. His eyes glued to the professor.


Coconut shook his head coolly. "Nah, I'm here to watch him."


That made the both of them laugh and then they turned on Blue to make fun of him but the professor snapped at them and they shut up. Then she noticed Blue didn’t have notes out or anything and gave him a look before marking something down in a notebook on her desk. 

“Shit,” Blue murmured. 


"What's wrong?"


Blue whispered to him while resting his head on his folded arms, not moving his gaze from the teacher. “I forgot my books and… well, I didn’t bring anything to class so I’m losing points for that.” 


"Oh. Sorry." 


“No, it’s alright.” Blue sat like that and watched the teacher but didn’t listen. Once class was over, Blue stood up quickly, grabbing Coconut’s arm and jerking him from his seat. 

Coconut BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora