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Blue lifted his soaking head from the sink, the last sliver of blue having been squeezed from his hair and slithering down the sink's drain. He sadly combed through his natural ghostly light blonde hair which he hated because it made him look like a vampire, or Drago Malloy, or a spirit. He sighed forlornly, sitting on the bed in the bedroom he had grown up in. As he looked around, he realized how dull and empty it looked, which reflected on how he had felt living in it all his life. Blue dressed in his pajamas and flopped onto his bed again, whipping his phone out of his pocket and dialing Luna- who actually was Coconut, he had only renamed him that in his contacts, setting a heart next to it while leaving no heart on the real Luna contact. That way he knew who was who. 


When Coconut's phone rang, he had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed. His hair was still dripping a little but seeing that Blue was calling him, he pulled on his sweatpants and jumped into his bed excitedly, answering the call with a happy greeting. "Hey, Angel!"


Blue immediately smiled, not expecting his enthusiasm, he laughed. "Hi, Co-Luna." He cleared his throat. "How've you been without me so far?"


"Good, just got out of the shower. Are you doing alright?"


"Eh…." Blue trailed off. "Could be better. On the way home, my parents took me out to eat and they very passive-aggressively told me I should be more careful with the other people I'm attending college with. They generalized it, but I know they were probably talking about you when they said you can't trust everyone you meet. Also...dad told me he didn't like me sharing a room with someone. My mom especially didn't like the sight of seeing just one bed. I'm afraid...they're piecing things together. Oh, and...I drained the dye from my hair. My dad says it's more professional."


Coconut sighed. "I'm sorry, Angel…"


"You don't have to be sorry about anything...yet. They don't know anything about us. They're only...highly suspicious. Oh, and dad saw one of your markings so thanks for that." 


"Oh… sorry… hehe…"


Blue smirked and rolled his eyes. "I wish I could be there with you right now. You're freshly showered and everything…" He hugged his knees and stared at his bare feet.


Coconut chuckled. "I want to see you with your natural hair, love. I'm sure you look gorgeous. Like always." 


Blue blushed. "I don't think so." He chuckled. "I look ridiculous. Like that Drago Malfoy character from Parry Hotter." 


"Well he's hot, so I wouldn't worry about it, Angel."


Blue giggled. 

And then his door opened. 



"What?" Coconut looked at his phone.


"Your father wanted to show you the suit you're going to wear to the wedding. Who are you talking to, Blue?" 

"Oh, uh...Luna." 

"Really? Can I talk to her?" 


Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now