Double Fake Date

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“Ok, I’m ready,” Blue said standing in front of Coconut’s mirror. He was wearing jeans with one of his nice shirts. Blue slid the dragon bracelet on his wrist. “You said I picked this out when I was drunk?” Blue looked at Coconut in the mirror. 


“Yeah, you nearly made me pay probably a few thousand in repair fines in that store.” Coconut deadpanned at him.


Blue laughed. “Geez, what was I doing? I normally don't act so loopy when I’ve had a glass of wine to drink on special occasions.”


“You were trying to take your shirt off in the middle of the store.”


Blue turned around and laughed in his face. “Glad I don’t remember any of that. What else did I do?” He said as he left the room, expecting Coconut to follow him.


Coconut twiddled his fingers a little and looked away. “... you called me Blaize.”


Blue froze. “I did? That’s...weird. Why?” He knew exactly why. He looked back at him.


“I-I don’t know. You were drunk and I guess I was pulling you around.”

Blue face softened. Sometimes Blue secretly thought Coconut and Blaize were a little similar to each other. “That was just because I’ve just stepped out of a relationship with him and that was something he normally did so...I was just delusional at the moment. Where’s your sister?” 


Coconut only barely kept himself from having another anxiety attack. He didn’t want to be like Blaize. He didn’t want to remind Blue of his awful little brother. “Sh-She’s getting ready for your date…”


Blue sensed his sadness and immediately turned around to face him. "Hey." His voice was stern, his fists were by his sides and he opened and closed them as he spoke. "You aren't like him, okay? You must have just said something that Blaize had said to me and that sparked a memory. That could have happened to anyone." He was grateful they were the only ones in the communal lounge room.


“But… the thing is… I didn’t say anything…” Coconut muttered.


Blue's cheeks rosened and he knew he should probably tell the truth before things get worse. He sighed. "To be honest, sometimes...You act a little bit like him sometimes, but I think that's natural since you two grew up together. It' don't have any of his bad qualities. That's all That's important."


Coconut looked at him, fear reflecting in his eyes. “That’s the thing, Blue. I always feel like I’m just a repeat of Blaize… and… and what if I am?” Coconut deflated and he let his insecurities overtake him.


"Coconut! How can you say that?" Blue grabbed his arms. "Just think of all the things you've done for people." Blue listed, "Your bandmates, Jackie's brother, that guy Ollie, me, and I'll bet there's more that I just can't think of right now or that I don't even know about." He looked into his eyes pleadingly, desperately wanting him to understand. "I admire you. And besides don't you think it's enough proof already that I'm with you and not Blaize to know which is better?" 

Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now