Heaven's Breeze

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Coconut’s eyes fluttered open as sunlight filtered through his bedroom window. He yawned and realized with a start that he didn’t wake up yelling and sweating. Today was the first time in a long time that he had slept without fear plaguing his dreams. He smiled down at a sleeping Blue and relaxed with a content sigh.


Blue awoke to pounding on the door. 

“Blue, wake up! We’re going to be late for track!” 

“Shit!” Blue jumped away from Coconut. 


Coconut whined. “Angel~...”


“If you weren’t injured I would tell you to shut up because we’ll have plenty of time to cuddle, but since you’re hurt-what am I saying? I don’t have time for this, I need to- CRAP!” Blue grabbed his head and then ran out of the room. “Char! Can you run to our dorm and grab my-”

“I already did, here.” She threw his track outfit at him.


Coconut huffed and tried to sit up, only to fall back down after cursing in pain. 


“Don’t you dare get up.” He sternly told Coconut. Blue took off his shirt and pulled off his pants then changed into his tracksuit lightning fast. 


“What am I going to do when you leave?”


“You could come- oh. Well, I guess you can’t. What happened to Mr. Titanium? I thought you said it was just a scratch.” Blue raised his eyebrows at him while pulling on his skin-tight one piece.


Coconut scoffed. “Just because it’s a scratch doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Paper cuts hurt too.” Coconut watched Blue get dressed with high interest.


Blue scoffed. “That is definitely one serious papercut, my friend. Got any deodorant I can use?” 


Coconut rolled his eyes. “First of all, it was a metaphor. Second of all, boyfriend. Third of all, yes, I believe I have some perfume in the back of the cabinet in the bathroom.”


Blue chuckled. “Perfume. You’re joking. Why would you have perfume? You mean cologne or something?” He walked into the bathroom. “Also, I knew it was a metaphor, genius.” 


Coconut tried sitting up again and was successful this time. “Nope. I got the perfume for you. I think it’s called Heaven’s Breeze or something like that. I thought it would fit my beautiful Angel perfectly.”


Blue gripped the cupboard and ground his teeth, his face looking highly irritated. “When did you even find the time to do that? I’ve been with you every second since I met you and I don’t remember you buying this.” He picked up the container and read the contents. “And there is no way I’m wearing this, everyone will recognize that it’s meant for girls.”


“Alright, fine. Deodorant’s beside that.” Coconut grit his teeth and swung his legs off the bed, stilling for a moment before standing up, albeit a little wobbly.

Coconut BlueМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя