Boxing Match Ring O' Love

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Blue’s stomach was a fluttering mess again as he followed his charming prince of a boyfriend out of the park and onto the street again. 


Coconut let the silence settle over them as he walked farther down the street, his boyfriend in tow. He stopped at a large building that was covered in blinding lights. “This is it!”


Blue gawked up at the bright lights and then at the people crowding the entrance. He felt queasy and stepped closer to Coconut, clenching his jaw. “Where are we meeting Jackie and Char?”


“Inside. Someone will lead us to our VIP room and they’ll be there.” Coconut pushed past the crowd, holding Blue’s hand a little tighter so as to not lose him. He walked up to one of the security guards and showed his tickets. The man nodded and stepped aside for Coconut and Blue to pass. Another man led Coconut to their private room. 


Before going in, the man blocked the door and held up a hand. “Hang on, Coconut.” They obviously knew each other. 


Coconut huffed. “Yeah?”


“You had two tickets. One for Jackie and one for you. Well, there were only two seats available and they’re being used at the moment. Jackie and some girl.”


“Ah. Well, that’s fine.” 


“Mmm. No, it’s not. Two tickets, two seats, two people.” 


“Ay! Jackie!” Coconut yelled. A few moments later, the door opened wide.

“Yuno! Great, you made it. Come in.” Jackie smiled at them and gestured to them.


“No way.” The dude blocked the door. “If you’re going in with a plus one, you’ll have to give me a little something extra.


“Do you really want to try us? Both of us are boxers,” Jackie said in annoyance.

“Yeah, and I have to get settled so I can go challenge the champion in a few minutes,” Coconut added, sending a scowl the man’s way.


The guy rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m only trying to do my job...but I suppose I can let this slide. Go on in. Whatever.” He stepped aside. The room was fancy but small. It reminded Blue of one of those rooms the royals would buy at a play to watch from above to represent their status in power. It was sort of like a balcony overlooking the arena and the boxing ring below. Blue noticed immediately what the bouncer had been talking about. Sure enough, there were only two seats. Char was sitting in one of them. 

“Blue!” She stood up and ran to him. She grabbed his hands and they gabbed like lost friends. “Where did you get that necklace?!” Her eyes were wide. 

Blue was suddenly bashful. “Oh, it’s just...Coconut was trying to…”


Coconut walked up behind him and smiled. “I was trying to make him feel less nervous.”


Blue blushed and then looked at the seats and turned around to face Coconut. “That guy was right. There are only two seats. Jackie and Char were here first so I wouldn’t mind standing.”

Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now