Dairy King and Netflux

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Coconut pulled into the drive-in theatre and shut off the car. "What's this movie about, anyway?"


“I don’t know.” Blue shrugged. They had parked in the middle of the field with a clear shot of the screen but still far from any other vehicle, they had plenty of privacy which Blue was excited about. “Hopefully nothing as terrifying as the one we saw at the theatres.” He shivered. “I’ll never get the image of Barbara being consumed by darkness out of my head. Poor Derek, he couldn’t cope with the loss.” Blue shook his head in shame.


"Yeah. Good thing he died too," Coconut said emotionlessly.


Blue scoffed. “I guess.” 


Coconut pushed the steering wheel up again to make room and then patted his lap. "Can we cuddle now?" 


Blue raised his eyebrows. “Me sitting on your lap isn’t cuddling.”


Coconut whined and pressed a few buttons on the console, which made the seats start to recline.


Blue sat up and looked at his seat in surprise, not expecting the seat to move from under him. The giant screen flashed black and white and the park lights around the field switched off. “What are you doing? The movie is starting!” He was excited to see a cheesy flashy opening of old black and white movie star characters laughing and kissing on the screen. “It’s a romance!” Blue was overjoyed and smiled at Coconut excitedly.


Coconut reached over and pulled Blue to him. "I want to cuddle still."


“I do too, I was never not down for the idea.” He smirked and scooted closer to him. Coconut had made sure there was plenty of room for both of them to snuggle. The movable seats had slowly merged together, reclined halfway so they could lean back together. 


Coconut laid on his side and wrapped his arms around Blue tightly, snuggling into him and not paying any attention to the movie.


“I wonder how old this movie is?” Blue leaned toward the dashboard and out of Coconut’s grasp so he could turn the radio to a station a sign said the movie’s audio was playing on. 


As soon as the radio was playing, Coconut pulled Blue straight back against his chest.


Blue giggled quietly and laid his head on Coconut's shoulder. Then he fumbled with his own belt to take it off.


Coconut only hummed and nuzzled into Blue's neck, littering it with soft kisses.


As Blue smiled, he slid off his jeans and kicked them to the floor along with his belt. "It was getting stuffy in here and jeans are uncomfortable to cuddle in." 


"Pfft. Yeah." Coconut rolled his eyes but let Blue do whatever he wanted.


"What? Don't you think so?" He smirked and put his hand on Coconut's waist line, tugging at his sweatpants. 


Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now