Yuno's Soccer Game

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Blue was slumbering peacefully in Coconut's arms. He didn't dream, but he did see images flashing in his head through the night. He was thinking of Coconut even unconsciously.


Coconut was not sleeping peacefully. His breathing was uneven and his face was contorted in fear. "No, no, no..." he muttered in a scared tone. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open and he sat up fast as lightning with a loud scream. His face was sweaty, his eyes teary, and his breath coming out in pants. His entire body was shaking violently in extreme terror.


Blue jolted awake, and then remembered where he was and who was next to him. The room was bright with the early rays of morning light. "Yuno!" Blue hugged him fiercely, wanting to squeeze the fear out of him. It was scary to see him like this. "It's okay, it's okay, now. It's gone."


Coconut immediately turned and embraced him back, breathing heavily into his shoulder.


Blue held him tightly. They sat there like that for a while. Enjoying each other's company. "That one was a doozy."


Coconut sighed. "No... they're always like that."


Blue held onto him for as long as he needed.


After a few more minutes Coconut's breathing had calmed and he was relaxing into Blue's hold. "Thanks, Angel..." he whispered gratefully.


"What time is it?" Blue whispered after a minute.


"Um... I don't know. Do you have your phone still?"


Blue pulled away and reached for his phone and glasses. "It's 8:15." When he opened his phone and opened messages, he gasped. "Oh my god."


"What's wrong?" Coconut asked, leaning forward.


"Blaize didn't respond!" Blue stared at the messages in shock. "He read them as soon as I sent them. That's...worrisome. Scarier than if he responded I think."


"Well, if he didn't respond to you..." Coconut reached for his phone on the nightstand and unlocked it. "He responded to me." Coconut deadpanned.


Blue leaned over to see and read aloud, "this isn't over."


"Hm... welp. That's that." Coconut got up and stretched, his muscles flexing with every movement he made.


"That's it? I'm surprised he didn't..." Blue trailed off as he marveled at Coconut's body.


Coconut groaned as a few of his joints popped. He yawned and picked up his phone again, checking the time. His eyes widened. "Shit! It's almost 8:20!" He began to rush around.


"What? What's 8:20?" Blue sat up in bed, his hair a mess.


"The time! We're gonna be late for my soccer game!" Coconut panicked, hurriedly shuffling through his closet. He grabbed his soccer gear and threw it in a pile near the bed. After that he picked a few more pieces of clothing and threw them onto the bed next to Blue. "Come on! We have to take a shower!"

Coconut BlueWhere stories live. Discover now