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Four days had passed since Aera found herself crying her heart out for a boy she thought she would be with forever. The tears hadn't subsided but now the heart broke girl could keep a conversation without breaking down.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Her roommate and best friend Yeejin questioned as she brushed her hair. The minute the girl found out what had happened she didn't hesitate to try a find the boy herself. Aera obviously stopped her and just asked for comfort in her time of need. Yeejin has spent the last couple of days going to classes and running back to their dorm to continue to console her best friend.

Now after four days, her best friend seemed stable enough to go out on her own once again. But the worrying feeling and Yeejins motherly instinct still remained as she continuously asked the girl if she wanted her to come with.

"I'm fine. I need to get out of the room anyway. I'm going to see my brother anyways." Aera said while she searched for the matching blue pair of socks she only had one of.

"Under the nightstand." Yeejin let out as she applied a light layer of lipstick. The other bent down and sure enough, the blue sock was under the nightstand.

"We should clean up after we're back." She suggested while slipping on the sock. The other let her eyes roam around the room before shrugging to the suggestion. They both burst into a fit of laughter.

Yeejin smiled at the view of her best friend finally laughing. Just days ago the girl had refused to eat and now she was slowly going back to her old self.

Both girls waved goodbye and parted ways. Aera nervously looked around campus half scared and half hoping she would run into JooWon. There were times where all she felt was anger and all she wanted was to slash the signed soccer ball he owned by his favorite player. Meanwhile, the other times consisted of her wishing he would call her and say he regretted ever breaking up with her. She spent too much time hoping he would come running to her and tell her it was all a careless mistake he had committed once again just like the countless other times he had unintentionally and intentionally hurt her feeling at the expense of his team.

In no time she was standing at the entrance of the SM building. She bowed respectfully at the girl at the front desk and explained her visit.

"Ara!" The voice of her twin brother interrupted the conversation she had been having with the lady. She bowed once again before joining her brother who has his arms wide open for a hug. She gladly stepped into his arms. The moment was cut short when he roughly rubbed his knuckles against her scalp.

"You idiot," he muttered jokingly. She took a quick step back to rub her aching head while giving him a cold look.

"What was that for?" The girl questioned still glaring in his direction as they maneuvered around the building.

"That's for crying over a stupid boy," a soft smile appeared on her face. She had missed spending time with her brother. It had already been over a month since she last saw him.

"Come the guys are waiting," he stepped into the elevator and waited for her to join him. Aera was excited to see them as well. They were sure to always bring her mood up which was something she desperately needed at the moment.

"You're staying the whole day right?" The boy stared over paying close attention to how she was acting. He wanted to make sure she was okay like she had continued to tell him. The phone call days ago left him worrying over for her.

"You don't have a schedule?" The elevator had finally reached the designated floor.

"I cleared out my schedule to hang out with you, dummy." They both stepped outside. Aera threw her arms around his neck and dragged his head lower.

Changes - lee donghyuck, haechanWhere stories live. Discover now