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A heavy sigh escaped her lip. It had been a long and stressful week. Schoolwork was piling up, her professors were constantly nagging and everyone she thought she could count on were unavailable. Mostly because of how immature and rude she had been to them the previous week. Aera had spent more of her time with DongSe, choosing to avoid HyunTae so he wouldn't have to feel like he was picking sides.

"Tomorrow you'll be separated into groups. So be prepared for that," the professor announced earning a series of groans from the students. Aera lazily stuffed her notebook in her bag and let it loosely swing on her shoulder. Her long and slow walk down the hall was met with a group of girls, in the end, softly whispering and pointing at her. That had turned into a usual occurrence ever since people found out Mark was her brother.

"Excuse me," a soft voice called out. Aera turned towards the girl. She had short dark blue hair, big eyes hiding behind thick round glasses.


The girl seemed nervous as she evidently hesitated to talk.

"Can I take a picture with you?" Aera internally felt uncomfortable but nonetheless gave a soft smile.

"Sure," she walked closer towards the girl and stood beside her. The blue-haired girl struggled to open the camera app before she held it up. The phone was snatched out of her grasp in an instant. They both stared up at DongSe's cold glare.

"What are you-" before Aera could say anything he interrupted.

"I'll take it for you," he didn't let his glare waver as he snapped a couple of pictures and passed the phone back.

"Thank you," the girl mumbled while she bowed at him.

"Let's go," he said as he completely ignored her and reached to grab Aera's arm.

"Is he your boyfriend?" The curious blue-haired girl asked.

"Yeah," he said and before Aera could quickly deny what he had said he was already pulling her along and away from the shocked fan.

"Why would you say that?!" Aera pulled away from his hold and stopped. He shrugged and continued walking.

Aera couldn't help but huff at his cold attitude. She had found out that his nice and soft moments only came once in a blue moon and that he preferred letting people think he was a big douche.

"Where are we even going?" She dragged her legs behind him.

"To wipe that ugly frown off your face. If you want to hang out with me you need to meet my standards," Aera almost laughed at his odd way to try and cheer her up.


"In all honesty, we are done," the producer said as he played with the different audio files on the computer.

"It doesn't usually take this long to record an album but since Sol requested you were the only one who played the instrumental.." his voice trailed off.

"So what now? Like where does that leave me? Do I still get to work here or.." for some reason the fact that she was all done with Sunny's album didn't make her as happy as she thought. It only meant that she wouldn't get to see the artists at SM as much.

"You'll have to take that up with Sol's manager or Lee Soo Mansii," the producer could tell the sadness that overtook the girl's features. Anyone could tell how attached she had become to Sol.

"Will that be all for today?" She asked. He nodded, his eyes still staring at the recordings on the screen.

"Have a good day," he called out just before she was out the door. Aera replied with a quick 'you too' before she closed the door. 

Changes - lee donghyuck, haechanWhere stories live. Discover now