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"He's really attractive. And how old did you say he was?" Sunny asked the other girl who sat beside her. Aera phone has DongSe's Instagram account open. 

"My age," Sunny groaned at the answer. She truly didn't seem to have any luck, all the cute guys were either too old or too young for her.

"Based on what you're telling me it's obvious you judged him way too quickly," Sunny sat back into the chair. Her body slumped as she rested.

Besides Yeejin, Sunny seemed to be the only other female Aera could trust with her boy talk.  Yeejin's reaction to her hanging out with DongSe wasn't all too positive.

"You're a two-timer," Yeejin had told her. At first, Aera that it was a joke but her best friend's face was nothing but serious.

"Wha- how?" Was the only thing she could mutter in utter shock. How was she a two-timer for hanging out with DongSe? She was single for all she could remember.

"You go and admit your feelings for staff guy and then you hang out on a nice romantic date with tattoo boy? Like make up your mind," she frustratedly shouted at the other.

"First of all, it wasn't a romantic date. I ran into him and we talked and got coffee and secondly, I said the staff member thing needed to be forgotten because-"

"Yea we already know because he's an idol and he's blah blah blah. Honestly Aera I love you and you're my best friend but you need to figure out what you want and stop being a coward." Aera sat in her bed with her mouth slightly open.

"If you're talking about cowards then why don't we talk about you and HyunTae huh? Seems like we're both cowards then," It seemed that it was Yeejin's turn to have her mouth slightly open in shock.

"Don't use my business to cover up yours," without a second word she left the dorm, in the process making sure she slammed the door for effect.

"Now you guys aren't talking?" Sunny asked once the whole story was told. Aera nodded sadly while playing with the artist's keychain.

"The fact that you just realized you like Haechan," she let out a humorous laugh but quickly hid it when she saw the younger girl's sad expression.

"To be fair I don't think you're a two-timer-"Aera's face lit up happily.

"But you do need to set yourself straight. Entertain whoever you want but don't hurt anyone. That cute tattoo guy seems like he's been through enough with heartache,"

"I've literally never said anything about going out with him or being interested in him. Like why is everyone so hell-bent that I'm trying to date him," she was out of breath by the time she finished. Her ears spiking red with heat at the effort she had to put to defend her case.

"Okay! I was just saying no need to get heated," the idol rose her hands to emphasize her surrender.

"I'm sorry. It just- I'm scared," it almost seem like it was the first time Aera was truly putting her guard down.

"Of what?" Sunny let her hands reach over to the others.

"I've never felt this way- about anyone. I get all of these emotions and feeling when I'm around him. Like the smallest things about him make me happy. With him, I realized so many things. I thought I loved JooWon, my ex. But I realized I was in an extremely toxic relationship and I let myself be fooled by my desperate need for love. When I met him, I was in a really dark place. I didn't have much contact with my family, I pushed my friends away. Overall I was so regretful of moving to Korea, mainly because I missed everything I had back home," she reached up to wipe the tear that slipped out of her eye.

"He was the only person who seemed to reach out to me. At first, it was nice, he was a caring attentive boyfriend but then it just- stopped. He ignored my calls and every time we were together he'd start an argument or just make everything about him. I excused it because he was the only thing I had. But Sunny it was horrible. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though I'm not even dating Donghyuck. He makes me feel things I didn't even feel with the person I thought I was in love with,"

"And you're afraid that the same will happen with Haechan?" Aera knew that wasn't it. She could never compare the two. They were so different.

"It's just not meant to be," she wiped the tears that lingered with the sleeve of her jumper.

"And you think dating tattoo boy is the answer?"

"Not the answer but it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind. He's not a bad person and if he can make me forget-"

"Listen to yourself right now. You're being toxic to yourself," those words stung more than they should.

"Moving on to the next guy will not make everything better Aera. I'm sorry but your friend was right," despite the truth behind the older words Aera could not admit that they were right. She tugged her hands away from the artist. Her hands scrambling to grab her belonging that was scattered around the table.

"What are you-"

"I'm leaving. First Yeejin calling me a coward now you calling me toxic? Unbelievable," the tears rolled down her cheeks without her knowing.

"Aera I didn't-"

"Just forget it,"

"Before you leave!" Sunny managed to shout as the Canadian girl gripped the doorknob.

"You're smarter than this. You don't have to use someone else to forget. Stop relying on others to do what you need to do for yourself," Aera let her words sink in. But the anger that radiated through her didn't allow her to say anything else before she was out of the room. 

As if her day couldn't get better. Just as she was about to storm out of the elevator to finally exit the suffocating building that was SM. The person she wished to see the least at the moment was entering. She didn't say anything to them in hopes they would simply not notice she was there but it was too late. He'd noticed the dried up tears and anger filled face she had on. His hand wrapping itself around her wrist as he tugged her into the closing elevator. Successfully trapping her in the small space with him.

"What's wrong?" He shamelessly towered close to her. His hesitating hand lingering by her hand.

"Why are you crying?" He asked after her lack of reply. She let her hair serve as a curtain to shield her face from his worrying stare.

"Why aren't you telling me what's wrong?" He shamelessly let his hand touch her cheek. His fingers under her chin lifted her head to face him.

"Why are you always there?" she now let the tears fall freely. His eyes confusedly shifted between both of hers.


"You're always there! Every time I'm crying or fighting someone. You always appear. Even when I'm trying to avoid you," she muttered softly but he had heard it. His mind raced with worried thoughts about her crying and distressed state but mostly about why would she try to avoid him? Had he done something wrong? Just days before they were together. Hanging out and laughing like always. But before he could further ask to ease his concerns she was once again storming out of the elevator and already at the exit of the building.

a.n: It may appear confusing that Aera continued to deny that she wasn't in any way trying to potentially date DongSe but later on when she's ranting she mentions that dating him might be a solution to her problems. I purposely made it so that she seems unclear about what she wants/needs. Hope that cleared out the confusion (if anyone was confused).

Changes - lee donghyuck, haechanWhere stories live. Discover now