Chapter 1

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My name is Felicity Queen. I got married to Oliver Queen, the man who was shipwrecked on an Island, which was named Lain Yu. It's Mandarin, for Purgatory. He was stranded there for five years and dreamt of his rescue every cold black night. For five years, he only had one thought, one goal. Survive. Survive and one day return home. My husband told me that the island held many dangers, and to live, he had to make himself more than who he was; to forge himself into a weapon. He returned home not the boy who was previously shipwrecked, but the man that brought justice to those who poisoned our city.

Now, after years of being home and fulfilling that promise, I'm pregnant, and even though I'm happily married to Oliver Queen, also known as Green Arrow, I lost him. I might be just like any other widow, except that my husband isn't dead; his memories of our love has just been erased by a system called Brainac. Some say there isn't hope, some say that I'm in denial, but I say that my children won't grow up without their father, even if I have to drag him back from Hell myself.

My name is Felicity Megan Queen, and after months in hell without my husband here, I have also sworn a solemn vow - to save him. But to do so, I can't be the innocent girl I once was, or the woman that I was in New York. To make sure that I bring Oliver back safely, I must be a girl that trusts my family but still turns to those that I can't trust...

... Such as the League of Assassins.


"Felicity, we have to get you to the hospital," Roy shouted pulling her along with him by her arm.

"No!" she screamed fighting against him weakly. "I'm not leaving without Oliver, Roy! I won't leave him in there to die!"

Roy didn't know what to do, he didn't want to leave either, but the explosion was too great and knocked Felicity back against her Jeep. Roy didn't know how hard, and it could endanger her children. Roy asked himself this: What would Oliver do? What would he do?

"Think of your children, Felicity," Roy thought that was a winning card. "Felicity, think about your children! You just got blasted against the car, that's not healthy!" Roy saw something register on her face and Roy thought he was breaking through her denial phase. "You have to go to the hospital, Felicity, let's go..."

Felicity didn't remember getting in the car, all she remembered doing was repeating what she already knew: Oliver was alive. He is! she thought over and over. He's alive. Oliver is alive. Oliver is alive. He is!

Then, she remembered being concerned that her babies were alright, that they were healthy and she remembered signing her discharge papers, and storming out of the hospital. Felicity remembered the rage and fury that gripped her and everything in her. She remembered Roy calling her name, running after her and asking her where she was going.

"He's still alive," Felicity was so sure, there wasn't a doubt in her mind. "I know it. I can feel it in my bones, Roy; he's out there. He made it out, I don't know how, I don't know when... But he made it out, he's alive."

Roy shook his head, "No, Felicity, I loved him too, but he's gone."

"No!" Felicity screamed and blinked away tears. She couldn't let that thought sink in, if she did, she would start to believe it, and if she believed it, then there wasn't a way of seeing him again.

"Felicity," Roy's voice was ground level as he stated, "you're in denial."

"Don't tell me how I feel, Roy!" Felicity demanded harshly. "You have no idea how I feel, so don't act like you do."

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