Chapter 13: Tamamo

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After the Great War, the number of pure angels was drastically reduced, and the outbreak of a second war would be disastrous because it would result in their definitive extinction.

However, after the summit, Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the three super-devils along with Sirzechs and Rizevim, had helped the angels to create a system that could reincarnate other creatures other than Gods and Buddhas, similar to the one used by devils and Y/N.

The system was based on card games, especially Poker and Blackjack, and reincarnated angels took the name of Brave Saint.

Although all seraphs were enthusiastic that they could finally increase their ranks and prevent their extinction, Gabriel was conflicting.

She would certainly use cards to reincarnate other creatures in Brave Saints to ensure the survival of Heaven. However, a part of her soul that she did not know was screaming at her to give birth to a baby with the man who had saved her on several occasions.

"Are you fine, Gabriel?" Michael asked from behind her.

Gabriel turned to the Archangel Michael. "I think something's wrong with me," she said confused, "I'm just tired after everything that's happened."

Michael did not need to know that Gabriel was not sick or tired. She was just in love. Even though she was a pure angel and one of the four Great Seraph, she was still a woman.

"I imagine the cause of your fatigue is Y/N," Michael said.

Gabriel gasped when she heard his name. At first, she was only curious to know what kind of person he was, but Gabriel had finally understood something that humans had long since understood. A romantic feeling that she had never felt before: love.

It was different from her love for her father. This was something that made her heartbeat faster and her mind became like a white sheet and became incapable of rationalizing everything. It was a new feeling for her, a sensation of the butterflies that fly in her stomach.

Under his perpetually sad gaze, Michael hid a devious side and was thinking of sending someone to act as representative of the angels in Kuoh now that there was real peace between the three Biblical Factions.

"Gabriel, why don't you go to Kuoh and act as heaven's delegate?" Michael proposed, surprising his sister. "The city is jointly controlled by Gremory and Sitri and even Azazel decided to settle there as representative of the Fallen Angels. It would be appropriate for us to have someone that represent the heaven," Michael explained.

Gabriel agreed with Michael on this point, but he could not understand the point of sending her of all the Angels present in heaven. She is a Seraph and her job was mainly to ensure the maintenance of heaven. A Brave Saint was perhaps the most suitable to carry out such a work.

"Why me?" Gabriel asked perplexed.

Michael decided that he would give his sister a direct response, which would mark her current state of mind of which she should not be ashamed.

"You love Y/N..." Michael replied, "we have noticed the strange behaviour you've had since the end of the summit. It's never happened that you were interested in someone other than our father and we had the proof when you volunteered to go to Kyoto after you knew that there would also be Y/N"

Michael was right about almost everything and Gabriel could no longer hide her feelings. She had behaved more humanely, but she thought that the mere fact that she volunteered for a simple peace meeting was not such an unusual thing.

"So, will you represent the angels as you try to win Y/N's affection?" Michael asked.

Gabriel half-closed her eyes and carefully pondered what to do. She had already realized that her brother Michael was aware of her feelings and in a certain sense encouraged her. At the same time, he was also telling her not to get her hopes up and not to get hurt if Y/N does not match her feelings. If they had not become lovers, they would still be good friends.

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