QnA For Three Month Celebration!

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Here we are with another QnA! A lot of you guys asked for this to celebrate three months of this story, so here we go!

If you haven't already, make sure you join the discord and hit that follow button to stay up to date on any announcements!

From AgnArmy-

1. Where did you get inspiration from?

For this story? It was all based on a dream I had a while back. I didn't write exactly what happened in it but it was pretty damn close. Up until that first incident was all filler, these kinds of things just manage to come into my head I suppose.

2. Which was the first story that made you emotional?

If we are talking about here on Wattpad, I'm not entirely sure. But one of my absolute favorites is called 'It's a Little Complex?' by infiredmochi. I absolutely LOVE their work and they helped give me motivation to write this story.

3. To Author-chan and Editor-chan, where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Author-chan: Lord, I have no idea. Probably with my music degree (hopefully), and of course by then with a finished Flower Shop series!

Editor-chan: Hm, in five years I see myself working hopefully with maybe a significant other or maybe even traveling.

4. If you were a superhero, what power would you have and why?

There are so many good ones to choose from! Probably something to do with music or nature powers, those are pretty cool. Healing would be dope too.

From BTS_FanGirl__44-

What do you do for a living?

I'm currently enrolled in college right now and am sadly unemployed. I've been trying to get a job but with the whole covid thing it's way harder to get one.

From Firebolt_Dancer:

1. To Editor-chan: How long does it take to review a chapter/reread it?

Well it just kind of depends on my schedule. These last few weeks have been busy so it took me a few days to get a chance to read the chapters. However it usually takes me a couple of minutes to read the chapter.

Sometimes when I'm all caught up, I'll just kind of start reading what Author-Chan has in the drafts and wait for her to continue writing.

2. For Yoongi: What do you think the music staff on Taylor means?

Well, I'm not sure. None of us have heard of growing tattoos at all, and it looks nothing like her normal tattoo. My first thought was that maybe it represents her own tattoo, but that doesn't make sense. Her tattoo is a fox, and these are music staves.

All I know is that she's going to have a really hard time covering it up.

3. For Author-chan: Fav BTS song?

Oh that's easy! 'Spring Day' from 'You Never Walk Alone'. I LOOOOOOOVE that song with a passion, though if I had to pick a second I'd probably go with 'Mikrokosmos' or 'Spine Breaker'. 'Or Louder than Bombs', or 'Jamais Vu', or 'Promise' or 'Stigma'... Man there are so many to choose from!

And that's all the questions this time around! Thank you guys so much, I can't believe we are already so far into this story. I really appreciate all the love and support you guys have given us.

Happy 3-month anniversary to A Rose Between Thorns!


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