Chapter 5 Guessing Games and Movie Nights

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I walked downstairs to see them dressed differently. Virgil was dressed in a skeleton onesie, Patton was in a cat onesie, while Roman was in a Beast from Beauty and The Beast onesie (Please correct me if I'm wrong about the outfits.), Logan was wearing his suit and tie still, and Thomas was wearing Hufflepuff pj's. I heard them talking about what movie to watch I noticed that Janus and Remus weren't there and Patton was baking something in the kitchen so I went to him.

"H-hey Patt," I said in a quiet voice.

"Oh hey kiddo what's up?"

"Nothing much what are you making?"

"Oh, these are cookies they need to cook through."

"Oh ok."

'It's funny how Patton acts like Harper.' Lexi said in my head.

'Yeah, I'm guessing he's his morality I'm going to ask him.' I said trying to act confident.

'What! No! What if he gets suspicious! Then what!" Violet said in a panic.

'Calm down edgy miss edge it's not that bad!'

'Lexi the possibilities are endless if they find out!'


'Lexi she does have a point we wouldn't know what and wouldn't happen if we tell them but if they find out by just us appearing out of nowhere it might send immediate panic towards them.' Sage intervened.

'Sage! Can you please keep them under control!'

'I suppose I could Moon and we'll have to discuss this later.'


I had a mental battle with myself until I bought up the courage to ask.

"Hey, Patton can I guess what side are you?" I asked immediately.

"I- umm... sure kiddo why not."

"Alright, let's must be his Morality?"

My vision flashed light blue and back for a second. Patton looked at me surprised but his surprised look soon turned into his happy go lucky smile again.

"That's right kiddo good job." He said while ruffling my hair a bit.

"Alright, thanks, Patton,"

"No Problem!" He said while getting back to cooking.

I went to Roman next after he got done talking to Virgil.

"H-hey Roman, can I guess what side you and Remus are?"

"Huh? Why me and him?" Roman said with a scoff at the mention of his so-called brother.

"Well, it's obvious that you and him are connected in some way and he called you his brother remember?"

"Oh...yeah he did say that didn't he."

"I know you might not care for him but I know well that he cares for you too even if you don't think so he does," I said with a somewhat calming smile.

"You think so?"


"...Alright fine! Remus! Come down here and you better be fully dressed!" Roman said with a serious tone.

As soon as he said that I heard a groan and he looked tired. When he looked at me and Roman his eyes lit up and made his way towards us.

"What did you need?" He asked the two of us.

"I-I wanted to guess what side you two are."

" you watch the channel or some shit." He asked.

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