38. Made In Love

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I woke up in Alex's arms that following morning. And that week. And that month. It was like living in some blissful heaven with just the two of us and no one else in the world. As he was no longer going on tour, I got to see him almost every night after I came home from work and almost every single weekend.

  Everyone knew within a week of the last day of my exhibition, what was going on between Alex and I. As I expected, Miles and Jackson above all people were basically jumping up and down about it. Miles literally picked me up off my feet and spun me around with a big kiss to the cheek when I next saw him. Saying how happy he was that his platonic wife was finally with the right romantic partner.

  "You fucken stud!" Miles had exclaimed, slapping Alex on the back whilst keeping his other arm hugged tight around me. "You have no idea how fucking happing I am."

  Alex just chuckled and shook his head at his friend.

  "Orion," Miles said, looking down at me. A grin crept onto his cheeks. "I told you," he sung and squeezed me tight. "I told you it was gonna happen."

  "Stop," I laughed as he rocked me side to side in a tight hug.

  "You two are the sexiest couple to walk to earth," Miles said and kissed my forehead. "Make sure the geezer treats you right okay?"

  "I will," I giggled, looking over at Alex who was standing back and watching us, a smile on his cheeks.

  "Fuckin' 'ell I can't wait for the wedding," Miles teased.

  "Alright, that's enough from you," Alex laughed and pulled me away from his friend. "It's barely been a week and yer already talking about weddings, I can't with you."

  "Oh shut it Alexander, I know you're just as excited as me," Miles grinned.

  Alex was treating me better than I could've ever asked for. It was genuinely surreal the way he made me feel. We weren't official or anything but we were pretty much exclusive. Still taking things rather slow with the whole idea of being in a relationship. Just saying that, or thinking about the fact that we were basically together sat so strangely in my mind. It was like it never seemed possible that the fact that it was coming true almost seemed illegitimate.

We often spent time at each other's places. Mine more than Alex's solely because I usually had to work overtime at home or sculpt for that one company that had offered to buy a piece. Alex would sometimes bring a guitar over and play little ballads for me here and there and once even began writing a song whilst I was sculpting in my little home studio.

He would sing around the apartment, sometimes humming, sometimes proper belting and putting his whole heart in it. It was something I never could get sick of. Matt told me Alex sang out in the open when he was happy.

"Orion!" his voice came singing from the other room. I was busy in his bathroom putting on makeup before we headed out for dinner. "Are you almost ready, darling?" he said as he poked his head in.

"Almost," I smiled at him through the mirror. We were about a month in now. Testing the waters but also diving right into the deep end.

"Fuck me you look gorgeous," Alex groaned as he joined me in the comfortably large bathroom. It was now late October and seeing as the guys were no longer on tour, Jamie and Nick were heading back to England with their fiancées to settle themselves down. We were all heading out on one last big dinner before they left.

"No I don't," I laughed, watching his reflection as he came up behind me and gently wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Yes you do," Alex smiled and kissed my neck gently. A month in and I still couldn't believe what we were. I'd wanted him for so long and now to finally have him was almost surreal.

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