I Need You

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Hey! so this is my first one shot i hope yall like it!!!This is actually based on a conversation between "Mitch and Scott" during that prank on twitter where people made thier account name and pictures just like one of the PTX members! (if u have twitter hopefully you know what I'm talking about!) Everything diologue was typed during this conversation, I just added a little storyline to it. :D

And i wont have these little authors notes on all of my one shots so when i do its probably something important!!! anyway, i hope you enjoy this and I always take suggestions so just DM me if u have a suggestion or message me on twitter at @baileenlewis :D love ya!

-Bailee :D


Mitch's POV

I miss him. I miss Scott. He's out with family, and he'll be back any minute. I'm alone at home, Alex and Meg also with family, and Ryan is out with freinds. It's just me here, alone, watching Spongebob on the TV. 

My phone suddenly vibrated furiously in my pocket, and I picked it up to look at it. It was a text from Scott. My heart fluttered in my chest as I opened the text.

Scott: Hey Tiffany! I'm on my way home now :) how's everything at home?

I read the text in my head with his voice, and smiled.

Mitch: Hey Sally! Everything's good, I'm the only one here, everyone else is still out.

It wasn't long before he texted back, my heart fluttering still when the phone vibrated.

Scott: Great! :) I'm thirsty...

I read the text, trying to figure out what he meant by thirsty. He couldn't mean what I hoped he did... so I dismissed it. I replied:

Mitch: Well, there's some cake vodka left in the fridge, I'll get it ready for us!

I stood up and went to the fridge, pulling out the vodka and setting in on the table, as my phone vibrated again.

Scott: Sounds good! But tbh, all I really need to be satisfied is you :P

I read the text at least 15 times, maybe more, completey stunned. I had no idea Scott felt that way! I went crazy and replied in a heart beat, no longer caring about what I was saying.

Mitch: You know what babe,... Lets get wasted together! ;D I need some excitement to cure my boredom!

I hesitated before I hit send. It was true, I was bored, and I love Scott, and i think he may love me back. I don't care anymore! I'm so happy! I'm happy Scott has feelings for me! My phone vibrated, but only for like .5 seconds cause I opened it so fast.

Scott: On my way! <3 :D

Mitch: please hurry!!! I'm craving you more than the vodka! 

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