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"Oh just to the right there Mintie!" Florence piped, pointing her slender fingers towards the wooden tea table.

Mintie, in response, set the tray carefully onto the lace doily atop the table. Florence poked her head out of her book for only one moment to give Mintie a gratuitous grin. Mintie nodded her head politely and hurried out of the room, presumably to find another task to keep herself occupied.

Florence however, immediately resumed her reading, without giving so much as a second glance to the tea Mintie had delivered. She was so immersed in her silly little pages that she also hardly noticed Aurora's entrance. She slipped in through the door, shimmying herself along the wall so that Florence wouldn't notice just until her violet dress stood out against the dark wood walls.

Florence let out a sigh.

"Please Aurora, I'm trying to read." She complained for what felt like the millionth time.

"But I want to-" Aurora began.

"I understand you want to play, but I cannot interest myself in childish whims at this age." Florence protested, desperate for anything to make her seem older.

Aurora huffed, clutched her doll to her chest and accepted the fact that Florence wouldn't be playing with her anytime soon. As Aurora traipsed away, Florence's lips played into a small frown that would unbeknownst to all. Soon enough, her nose was back down in to her book. Delving herself into the nonsensical tales of Alice in Wonderland. Florence continued on with the book, even though it frustrated her to not be able to fully understand it.

The door burst open. This new guest clearly wasn't quite keen on knocking. Florence jerked her head up impatiently, her ringlets of hair becoming sufficiently tangled in the process. Her eyes land on her younger brother. Only a few years younger than Aurora.

"Jacob, please some other time." Florence pleaded.

She observed as Jacob's eyes flickered to her book. He nodded and quickly left the room. Somehow he could grasp it better than Aurora could, which quite boggled Florence. She sunk deeper into the velvet chair, abandoning everything her mother had taught her about posture. She didn't care too much when nobody was around.

The door began to creak as it swung wide. Florence rose to her feet angrily, her book clattering onto the floor. She stopped short upon realizing her guest, or upon not realizing her new guest.

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