Sourires Envoûtants

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Cathryn had politely hurried out behind Augustus, leaving the rest of the room in utter confusion. Mintie had lingered back towards the kitchen, not wanting to entangle herself in the already strange enough situation. Some of the color had returned to Clair's cheeks, but he bit his lip and stayed quiet. Eventually, Mrs. Fawn spoke up.

"Mildred, could you please serve the children." She called upon the cook, who hurried her way over to the table.

Jacob's face lit up as she placed slices of the roast onto his plate. Aurora waited patiently for her turn, instantly digging into her meat.

"Would you like me to get you anything Clair?" Florence spoke softly.

His head snapped up, his tight features relaxing simply at the sight of her.

"Yes, thank you Florence." He spoke, lips barely parting.

Placing his plate back in front of him, he gave the girl a grateful smile. He moved to pick up his silverware, just as the doors opened once more. Clair's hand shook and the knife and fork clattered against each other, resulting from a shriek. It had cam from Cathryn, who stood rigid beside Mr. Fawn. Slowly, Florence watched as a a distortion drew out from behind the two, it happened to be a person, a boy. Cathryn remained in a dazed state, as yet another person came into focus. A child, younger than Jacob rested in the boy's arms. A small giggle arose from Aurora at the presence of a real baby, not just Rose. Clair however, didn't even acknowledge Aurora, but kept his eyes on the stranger.

"Well, these are our guests." Mr. Fawn chuckled, easing the tension of the room greatly.

"Mr. Ruby Rodriguez." He added, looking towards the boy.

Florence studied him immediately. He had rich skin, golden, much darker than Clair's. Black hair that fell over his forehead in waves. He stood up straight, and perfect smile plastered onto his face. He was quite attractive really, Florence noticed this as well. Ruby was dressed in a deep red coat, the ruffles of his white shirt visible where it hadn't been buttoned. His eyes sparkled as he looked up from the child.

"Oh, and this is Maylis." Ruby announced, smiling at the child.

Florence couldn't help but take in the beauty of his voice. She was a reader, attention to detail was engraved into her brain. It was like silk, soft and deep, but he seemed so in love with the child, which contrasted from his adult seeming personality. Sure, he stood up straight and had hard eyes, but when he looked towards the child, he seemed lost in a trance. Florence judged that he must be eighteen, a year or so older than herself. At least his demeanor portrayed serious, which tied itself naturally to age.

"Who is your, cousin you said, yes?" It took Florence a moment to realize her father was referring to the child, Maylis.

"Oh yes, I've been watching after her for quite awhile now. Since the passing of her father." Ruby announced, his voice becoming a bit strained at the mention of the child's father. 

Florence guessed Ruby had been close to his uncle. Her heart contracted for this boy whom she didn't even know. Or maybe for the child, who would never truly know her father.

"Putain de rivière." Ruby muttered.

Florence has studied french enough to understand the boy. Harriet's eyes widened, glancing nervously towards Aurora and Jacob. Neither of them had noticed the boy's colorful swearing. Florence gave the boy and excited grin.

"The flood, yes." Her father continued with a rueful smile.

Sweeping his hand wide, he indicated for Ruby to take a seat. Florence held her breath as he moved over and sat himself confidently right next to her. He smelled like withered roses, but in a strangely normal way.

"We have a rocker just upstairs, if you'd like to put the child down." Harried offered politely.

Mintie straightened up, prepared to make her grand entrance.

"Oh, yes, that would be charmant, Mrs. Fawn." He answered, his voice rolling over his lips.

"Oh, and forgive me for dropping in and out of English, ma'am. Just a habit." Ruby added, jovial.

Handing the child over to Mintie, Florence only then registered Cathryn. She had taken her seat back across from Florence, but her eyes were drilled on the child, trailing Mintie as she exited the hall. Turning to face Clair, she could see he still looked slightly ruffled. Glancing between the two of the confusedly, she decided to ignore their oddness, but rather listen to Ruby. He seemed much more entertaining.

"You see, it was the strangest thing hearing from Cathryn's mother..." He began, entrancing Florence into his tale.

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