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Florence kept an eager eye out for Clair as she strolled through the gardens. Supper was usually held outdoors in the sunshine, a snack to hold oneself over until meal time. Florence always took her time to admire all the different varieties of flowers and plants. Mother often scolded Aurora for plucking them.

Florence's slippers were silent against the stone path, and her hair fluttered ever so slightly in the springtime breeze. She could see the tables nearing up ahead as she wound through the hedges. Mother was lightly talking with the mysterious girl whom Florence had spotted earlier, while Aurora and Jacob were chasing each other through the garden.

Florence approached the two cautiously, feeling under-dressed or perhaps just nervous. The girl gave her a welcoming smile which helped to ease her nerves. Florence seated herself across the table from the girl, and puffed up her parasol, despite being shaded. Florence did her best to put on an unbothered almost bored face. The mysterious girl dropped the niceties quickly though.

She turned to face Florence and began to introduce herself, Florence listening intently all the while. "Hello, I'm Cathryn. It's quite odd for me to be introducing myself, me being the one barging into your home." She said with a breathy laugh.

Her beauty seemed effortless.

 "Oh, I don't mind. We rarely have company." Florence nodded with a smile.

"And oh! I'm Florence, I'm sure you've met my siblings." She added with a flick of her neck towards the two.

"Indeed." Cathryn replied with a wistful smile towards the children playing amongst the flowers.

Florence observed her then began. "Have you come with Mr. Thompson?" Florence finally questioned, eager to hear the girl's response.

"Oh yes. I've known Clair for ages. My mother decided that it would be best for the two of us to stick together during all of this." Cathryn revealed with a sigh.

Florence was disappointed, her speech didn't reveal much about her ties to Clair. It shouldn't matter anyway. Although perhaps she noticed a twinkle of affection in the girl's eye at the mention of "Mr. Thompson." As if Clair could hear her thoughts, he came striding along the path towards the three, a bounce in his step. His eyes swept from side to side, admiring the landscape and plants presumably. Florence straightened herself up as he neared. She was unsure if Cathryn had taken notice.

Florence noticed that Clair held a smaller version of his earlier briefcase at his side. He gave the three ladies a smile and sat down near her mother. It seemed as if they had already been introduced. Mintie scurried over shortly after Clair took a seat.

A tray was placed onto the table, piled with delicacies. Some even Florence hadn't seen yet, Mildred must've been aiming to impress their guests. There were delicately cut sandwiches, fine pastries, an assortment of fruits, almost everything you could want. Clair's eyes widened at the sight, and Cathryn looked pleased. Florence couldn't help but pride herself, although Mildred should be given the full credit of course.

Florence instinctively reached for her favorite tea time snack, a scrumptious lemon tart that she had always fancied. Mildred poured her a cup of tea and Florence fixed it up the way she had always liked it. She managed to accomplish this in the time the group was all goggling at the food.

She let out a giggle and plucked another small lemon tart and placed it on Clair's plate with a devious smirk as if saying, you have to try this. She eyed Cathryn, and she too picked one up. Her mother called the children over and they did so, only pausing breifly to grab a small sandwich before running off again. Florence knew father would disapprove of that, but mother was more the lenient type.

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