Chapter 16

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Jack started leading me back outside. 

"Where are we going?" I asked. 

"I want to show you something," he said as he walked around the back of the house. There was a path we followed for a little before entering the woods. 

"Jack, you know I trust you, but this is pretty creepy."

"Shush, Love. It's okay," he said, guiding me through trees. I took a moment to appreciate the scenery. The sun shone through the trees, casting little shapes of wonder at my feet. A gust of wind nipped at my ears and nose, and I felt my cheeks get red from the cold. Without the wind, the temperature felt still. It wasn't cold or hot. It just was. 

"Here we are," Jack's sweet accent softly regained my mind's attention. We were standing at the base of a tree. An old one, based on the trunk size. There were wooden planks nailed into the side of it, providing access to the beautiful treehouse nestled in the strong branches. Most treehouses I'd seen were somewhat sloppy and thrown together. Clearly a family project with character. This treehouse, however, was stunning. It appeared to have been carefully crafted by someone skilled. It was professional and I could imagine someone paying a fair amount for it.

"Wow. Who made this?" I asked. 

"Me and some of my friends."

He started to climb up the ladder, and I watched momentarily. As he climbed, I looked around at our surroundings momentarily. I felt oddly uncomfortable, like we were being watched. In the distance, I noticed a purple balloon hovering near a tree. I squinted to get a better look and noticed it had a smiley face on it. A chill ran through my body, feeling afraid. 

"You coming?" Jack's voice reassured me. I remembered that with him I'd be safe and I trusted him.

I felt a little nervous on the way up, afraid I'd fall. When I reached the top, he bent down and offered his hand, pulling me up the rest of the way with one arm. We were standing face-to-face on a small wooden balcony surrounding the treehouse. I felt flustered by his strength and kept my gaze down at his feet. I could feel him looking at me and I slowly raised my head, meeting his eyeholes. 

"Thank you," I said. I wasn't sure if he heard it. It was barely a whisper and I figured the wind had carried my words away. 

"Of course, Love," he said as he turned away from me. I forgot how good his hearing was. He walked up to a beautifully carved, mahogany door and unlocked it. 

The inside was even more beautiful than the outside. There were fairy lights inside, tons of cushions and a bookcase. There was a small window on one of the walls offering a serene view of the forest. 

"Wow, Jack... this is..." I said. 

"Yeah, I really like it here and I figured you would too."

I walked over to the bookcase, examining his collection. I smiled as I recognized some good titles. I also noticed the entire Harry Potter series. 

"Bit of a Harry Potter fan, are we?" I asked playfully as I turned to look at him. 

"Don't judge me," he huffed playfully, crossing his arms. 

"I'm not." My lips curled into an amused grin.

"I'm being bullieddddd," he sighed. 

I giggled and he flashed me an innocent smile. He took a seat on the cushions, so I rejoined him, bringing a book with me. 

"Whatcha got there?" he asked. I showed him the book that caught my eye and offered it to him. 

"Will you read this to me?" I asked. 

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