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The crowd went crazy as we all stood together waving and celebrating. I flexed my muscles as many of the ladies around beacon screamed at me and cheered. "That's a big hit for Atlas. I'm sure they will think twice about fighting CPPR next year!" Port said "Yes yes what a fantastic bout! They had them close but noone can stop Team CPPR!" Oobleck said.

I looked at Ruby and finger gunned her as she cheered. "Girls? Wanna get out of here?" I asked. Penelope helped Rachel up as poppy nodded "Aye let's get moving" so with a smile I did a little dance as we left the stage. Doing one last pose for the ladies as they freaked before we left the stadium


Our airship had just landed when the doors opened. Penelope stepped out first as she stretched. I was second and poppy was next with Rachel.

It was a beautiful day. Not too warm. Not too hot. Just a few clouds in the sky "It's perfect" I looked up at poppy "Perfect for what?" She smiled "It's perfect for a date" I nodded "I suppose it has been a while since I took Ruby out. Good idea poppy" she nodded as we watched team RWBY approached us with the others "Hey babe!"

Ruby gave me a hug "That was a great match!" She said as I ruffled her hair "I'm glad you liked what you saw. I know the other ladies did" she scowled as I said that "What?" She lightly punched my chest before hugging me again

"(Y/n)" Remy said Ruby let go as I high fived him "What's going on man?" He shrugged "Nothin much. JoJo's team should be on soon" I looked over as Jotaro and Kakyoin joined us "Your excited JoJo?" Jotaro shrugged "Eh" Kakyoin stepped forward "I speak for him when I say we will clean house"

I nodded "hell yea" me and Kakyoin high fived as Jotaro came up to us "Kakyoin. Have you seen the old man." Kakyoin shook his head "Excuse me. I must go help jotaro"

I nodded "alright catch you later" I said as they left. I then turned back to Remy "So. Any news?" He nodded "Oh yea. She said yes" I smiled "That's great pal!" Ruby was confused "Who said yes?" I hopped her nose "You will know soon little Rose" she pouted "Is it someone I know?" I nodded "It's someone we all know"

Yang slung her arm around my shoulder "So sweetheart. You ready for our date?" I nodded "Hell yes!" Ruby got between us "Excuse me?! What date?!" Ruby crossed her arms as she looked up at me and I raised my hands "Hold on petals. It's not what you think"

Yang stepped in "Relax sis. He's just going with me tomorrow as I shop for some weapon upgrades" she looked back to me as I nodded "Honest" she thought for a moment before she nodded and hugged me "But nothing more"

I smiled and hugged her back "Ruby I wouldn't dare Think about doing anything with any other girl. Why would I when I've got you"

She pulled away from our hug with a red face. "Well come on. The last match of the Team bracket is about to start." She grabbed my hand as I followed her back to the bullhead transports "You girls coming?" I ask as Blake and Weiss caught up to us. Remy also joined

"Hey speaking of teams" Remy said from behind me "Team RWBY and Team CPPR are top 2 on the bracket already." I smirked "that's all that is to my girls. I can handle myself but I could never survive if it wasn't for the girls" Remy chuckled "Where did they go anyway?"

I shrugged "Eh. Probably off to relax or whatever. Knowing Rachel she's fucking Dominic. Or Marcus. Or both. Penelope is probably already back at the stadium. And poppy is...most likely at the pool."

Remy nodded "Well at least you know where they are" I nodded "Yup"


Once again we all sat up in the stands. Ruby sitting in my lap as Weiss sat to my right, yang on my left, and beside her was Remy then Blake.

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