Act 1 Opening

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So I thought since Act 2 and Act 3 have their openings. Why not give act 1 an opening? This part has no relevance to the story I just wanted to make an opening again. I love making openings.

The beat starts as it shows all the events from Act 3 counting down to act 1 as it ended with (y/n) in his vol 1-3 outfit with a large smile as he flicked his nose and swiped his sword across the screen as the title appears.

Ruby Rose X Male Reader Act 1

We first see (y/n) on the balcony of his dorm room as Ruby jumps off the airship and looks up at him.

The camera spins to reveal the statue in beacons courtyards, then to show a hand holding the cross necklace of his brother, before cutting to show (y/n)'s hand carving a R + (first initial) in a tree encased by a heart.

The frame changes to show Ruby nervously looking away before closing her eyes. The frame changes to show (y/n) and Ruby kissing at the beacon dance.

Then we see heavy rain pouring down as (y/n) runs towards the screen as his eyes begin to glow and the frame changes to show eyes of a Grimm staring him down.

We then see the frame change to show (y/n) firing his guns at the deathstalker from the initiation exam as the deathstalker gets stunned.

Glass shatters showing (Y/n) and Ruby. (Y/n) in a black Tux, while Ruby wore a white dress.

We then see (y/n)'s gloved hand point to the sky as the camera pans down show (y/n) looking up with a smile as his team stand beside him.

The frame then changes to show ironwood walking down a hall as the camera looks down from above him. He seems to be leaving a medical room as wires and robotics are scattered about.

We then see the Ironwood as he holds a robotic heart as he places it into a body.

A catchy beat plays a few more times before we see Ruby as she turns her head and looks scared

The frame changes to show the stairs of fairy tail as flames and destruction is all about in the city.

(Y/n) steps into frame as he draws his sword off his back. Looking up the stairs as he growls and starts walking up the stairs.

After a moment he starts jogging, eventually throwing the sword away and yelling with rage as he ran towards the camera full speed.

His eyes glow as the camera flips upside down to reveal the Titan Grimm as it roars at (y/n) and (y/n) yells at it.

(Y/n) screams as he runs towards the Grimm as the beat plays one more time showing many comic book pages of the future Act's before we see the Titan Grimm roaring as (y/n) swings his sword at it as rain poured from the sky.

As the last note plays the title appears one last time

Ruby Rose X Male Reader Act 1

(I apologise for the poor opening. It's surprisingly difficult to relate the events of Phantom Blood to Act 1. But I tried. Hope you like it)

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