A Soldier of Rage

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A Soldier of Rage, By Arch Librarian Timothy Copper.

A Soldier of Rage is mostly unknown throughout the world. Not many people know they even exist, much like the Silver eyed warriors.

However, in many legends and mythical stories, a soldier of Rage is often described as "A person born with the gift of darkness". Now normally this wouldn't make sense but to the Best Librarian in the world I know what it means.

A soldier of Rage has strength equal to the younger brother, and when fully enraged has brief immortality.

This does not come without it's cons.

Starting off, the most pronounced and Obvious characteristic of a soldier of Rage is the eyes. When frustrated the soldiers eye(s) will have an orange tint. When angry if fully enraged however they glow a bright orange with a red outline.

This nature trait also double as an intimidation tactic. If you stood in a dark room and saw only red-ish orange orbs staring back at you, I'm sure you'd feel... uncomfortable.

Now, besides this there really are no specific traits to the soldier, however there is one thing that every soldier has in common.

Passion. In every legend, Evey history book, every book of myths, the soldier of Rage always has something it cares about, and something that really sets them off.

Another thing they share in common (albeit not by choice) is their mission, soldiers of rage were created by the younger brother to combat the Silver eyed warriors who the older brother created to combat grimm.

It's possible the reason silver eyes warriors are very rare now is.bexausw this fact. Or perhaps they all just died off, we don't know for sure, perhaps we never will.

Now, those are the basic traits of a soldier of rage. Now onto the more fun part of this Book. The skills and powers

Soldiers of rage skill sets vary depending on the person as each person prefers their own weapon type. And have various levels of training and experience.

There are 4 basic abilities every soldier if rage has. No matter their skill set.

The first is the strength. These people always have a very unnatural feat of strength, often performing tasks oy the strongest can perform with little struggle, when their fully enraged this strength tripples.

The second is speed. These people are naturally faster than normal people, not by a lot, but moreso as they have more energy persay. So while they may not be exactly faster, they are more active than most.

The third is the Temper. Each and every single soldier of rage has a temper. Maybe not right away, but at some.point in their life they get a temper. Afterall they would have access to their powers if they didn't get angry

The fourth is their passion. Every soldier if rage has something they want, and something they hate. This is a bleak subject as everyone's passions are different, so we can research much if what is never the same.

These 4 things are key factors of soldiers of Rage. However, I have noted down some very interesting abilities and how they have been gained in the past.

The ability to turn into a cloak of Smoke.

Some soldiers have had the power to harness the smoke that naturally emits from their eyes and eye sockets during rage, and make it more powerful, effectively turning themselves into a small cloud of smoke before reappearing. Can be useful in any situation. However I am not sure how many times they can do this during one rage quit.

Another one is the power to use that aura to magnify their attacks.

Now it's very obvious that their aura boosts by 3x already, along with their speed and strength, BUT it also drains their aura very, very quickly.

BUT something I've seen, is while their aura drains they are able to magnify certain attacks by channeling their entire aura into a limb, a punch for example, to deal double damage. This however leaves them open for attacks, as their aura is channeled Into a separate limb the rest of their bodies for fatal blows.

Another thing I've noticed is the power to use the smoke from their eyes as a weapon,

They are able to fill an enemies lungs with their smoke and asphyxiate them. Effectively choking them to death.

Now with this being said I will now mention a key fact.

Every Soldier of Rage has a limit.

Now as far as I know in the entire recorded history of Remnant a soldier has only broken the limit once.

But a soldier can only get so mad. But if a soldier ever manages to cross the line and become more angry than a regular person can't physically be, then they break their limit.

A "Limit Break" as I call it. Like a special power. The oy description of this limit break that is noted in the books is this sentence

"Thunder struck the world, remnant shook with the force of A Gale, and in the center, behold the Incarnation of Evil"

Now I have not found any sources to gain any meaning of this, but I can say it sounds absolutely astonishing, and truly interesting, I really wish to see this Limit Break in person...hehe...*ahem*

Now. This confirms the rest of my report. If I learn of any new abilities or Traits of A Soldier of Rage I will update my Bestiary with the new information.

A Soldier of Rage By Arch Librarian Timothy Copper.

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