Taking Controll

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The landscape is looking dreary as Ruby can be heard breathing heavily.

"Just hold on, Uncle Qrow

Ruby and Jaune carry Qrow on a makeshift stretcher. Ren is walking in front of them on the path, leading the way while Nora brings up the rear. Me and Jotaro took both sides. Me on the left by Ruby and Jotaro on the right next to jaune. Qrow is groaning in pain and is a touch delirious.

"Tai she's...she not...coming...Tai" he choked out before going into a coughing fit. "He's getting worse" jaune says "We've got to be close" Ruby said. "How much farther?" Nora asked as Ren looked back at us

"Without the map there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we are close to Something." He said as I look around. Holding my sword at my side just in case we see a Grimm.

Directly ahead is a fork in the road with a signpost. They are coming from the direction of Higanbana, Kuchinashi and Mistral are to the right, where the land is mountainous. To the left is Kuroyuri its name crossed out. The path that way remains low ground.

"Hey! Mistral we are on the..." Nora stopped as we all looked at the sign. Ruby and Jaune setting Qrow down.

"Does it say how far?" Ruby asked as Ren shook his head "no. And it looks like the path takes us through the mountains"

"Guys. I don't think all of us can make that climb" Jaune said as he looks at Qrow. "Well what about this place. Kuroyuri? Maybe we can find help there" Ruby said. "That village was destroyed years ago" Ren says.

"But it takes us around the mountains. It's the best chance we've got" Ren spoke sternly "It will take too long" "Maybe they had a doctor! We can search for medical supplies" Ruby said  "we arnt going to find anything! We have to press on!" Ren turned and shouted at Ruby

I stood between him.and her "Don't tell at her!" I said as Ren took a breath "what's going on dude. This isn't like you" Nora stepped in between me and Ren "we can split up"

"What?" Jaune said "me and Ren can cut through the mountains while you guys get Qrow through the village" jaune argued "but we are supposed to stay together, keep eachother safe"

"We don't have time for safe! If we make it to Mistral, we'll bring back help! If we don't, at least we'll have a better view of the land! Up there, we can see if there's somewhere else we can go!" Nora says back.

Jaune looks at Qrow as he coughs "ok" Jaune and Ren hug as they turn to leave "take care of eachother" he said as Nora smiled "we always have"

Ren and Nora start walking away as I put my hand on Jaune's shoulder "Go with them" he looked at me "what?" "Go with them. 3 is better than two. Stay with them and watch their backs, me and Jotaro can handle this."

Jaune nodded "Ok. Stay safe you guys" I nodded and pay his back as he went into a jog to catch up with Ren and Nora "hey guys wait up". When he caught up the kept going towards the mountains.

I looked at Ruby as she bent over to pick up Qrow "no" I said as I put my hand on her back. She stood back up and looked at me "what do you mean no?" I pushed her aside gently "take a break. Keep guard. Me and jotaro got this"

She smiled and held out her weapon "ok. Thanks" I nodded as I looked over my shoulder "JoJo you got that end?" I ask as he nodded "yea" "ok" I took the front as Jotaro took the back as we picked qrow up and started walking towards the village. Ruby walking in the middle as we went.

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