Act 4 Opening

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Here it is. The last Opening, Season 8 is here, so you all will finally get two variations. I do hope you all enjoy my original story.

The final opening. Act 4

The Opening trumpets play as a woman speaks we see Ruby as she spins around in a field of Roses. Then she sees something off screen as she smiles and starts running, once she disappeared off screen wind blows as Roses cover the screen.

The Title plays.

Ruby Rose X Male Reader Act 4:Requiem

We start by seeing salem as she sits down in her chair, Tyrian and Watts beside her and Milo standing behind her.

The camera flips around to see Ruby standing across from her with (Y/n) standing beside her with Legacy over his shoulder.

We then see Tyrian as he gets on his knees and as she smirks with Evil intent. The camera zooms to show Watts holding up his scroll. And Milo crouched while he loads his shotgun.

The camera changes to show (y/n) as he holds One of his guns up. He smirks as he aims at something off screen while the hooded figure stands upside down above him.

(Y/n) pulls the trigger as the bullet whizzed from.his gun and towards the screen which quickly changes to show ironwoods shadow as the bullet passes through his skull and into a map of Mantle.

We then see a big stage with Penelope dancing on it as she turns to the screen and winks as she holds up two fingers.

The camera zooms.out as we see Qrow watching with a bored expression as Penny and Penelope dance together before they start holding hands.

Suddenly the screen changes to show Ruby Sinking in water before she opens her eyes, (y/n).is sinking as well, he faces her as he cups her cheeks.

He kisses her head before bubbles flow over the screen.

We then see everyone. Salem in her chair with the Lamp floating above her hand. Then Milo and watts, then Tyrian as he and Qrow clash blades.

Then we see Penelope and Ruby as they stand back to back. The. (y/n) as he holds the staff of Creation at his side and the Hooded Figure putying his hand on his shoulder.

A familiar cross falls down the screen as the frame changes once more.

We then see Ruby running through the forest again as she trips and lands on somebody. She opens her eyes to see herself, only her skin is white and with black veins and red eyes.

She gasps as the camera zooms into her mouth before it zooms out to see (y/n) screaming with rage as he and Milo clash weapons. Milo using his shotgun as a club and (y/n)'s sword causing sparks as their weapons clang together.

(Y/n) jumps up and gets ready for an attack as the smoke from.his eyes cover the screen.

We then see Grimm Ruby as she pulls at the red string of Fate connecting (y/n) and Ruby together.

We then see the frame change to show Salem looking up at the sky with a satisfied look on her face.

We then see Salem as she Dances with 3 girls. Grimm Ruby, Grimm Poppy and Grimm Pyrrha as the 4 of them all turn to the screen and smirk evily.

The title plays one more Time

Ruby Rose X Male Reader Act 4 Requiem

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