13 - A W O K E

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What surprised the men the most was when they walked into the hospital room, tired of waiting, and found Nathaniel blissfully sleeping on the chair beside the bed. He had never looked so calm in all his life. The sight was a beautiful one. A father, reunited with his daughter after 10 years. They finally have their lives back together, and they couldn't be happier. 

"Uh, sorry, but I strictly said one at a time", the doctor said in a quiet, wary voice. Victor, Alex and Theo all gave him an evil glare, silently threatening him. He cleared his throat, then walked away. 

They were not going to wait another second to see Noelle. 

The three men all took seats on the large hospital bed, since Noelle had only taken a small part of it. They couldn't ignore the multiple bruises and scars that she carried on her skin, they looked even worse up close, but they know that she's a survivor, and she'll definitely survive this. 

"Poor little thing, probably exhausted", Alex spoke softly, a voice he forgot he had the ability to use. Victor nodded his head in agreement, stroking the back of her ears. 

"Do you think she can hear us?", Theodore asked with a puzzled expression. 

"Yes I can!", she yelled in her mind. She couldn't see the men who were sitting around her, but she could recognise their voices instantly. 

Her father's melodic tone that would lull her to sleep. 

Alexander's sharp tone that she found a little scary. 

Victor's calm voice that was never raised or rushed. 

And then Theodore. His voice had obviously deepened a lot over the last 10 years, since the last time she had seen him he was 13, but she could still tell that it was Theodore. 

"Probably not, she's sleeping", Victor said while frowning. 

Yes, her fox is asleep, but her human form was wide awake!

"Can we wake her up-"

"No! Leave her be, she probably hasn't slept this comfortably in years", Alex interrupted in a louder voice than he intended, causing Nathaniel to awaken from his peaceful slumber. His eyes fluttered open and looked at the men with a confused expression on his face. 

"What is everyone doing here?", he asked in a raspy voice, a tint of anger detected. 

"Not our fault you were taking ages, we want to see her too", Victor answered, his eyes still trained of the fox in front of him. 

"Don't blame me for wanting some time with my daughter", he retorted, sitting up on the chair. 

"I don't think sleeping counts as spending time with your daughter", Theodore said in sarcastic voice. 

"Shut the f*ck up, you're probably scaring her", Alex growled at the other three. 

"Don't use that sort of language in front of her", Nate growled back. 

"She's 20 years old!"

"I don't care, don't swear."

The four continued to argue until a sneeze silenced them. 

They all looked down. 

And to their surprise, 

Their eyes met with light caramel ones.


In a land, far away from the Highlands is where they were hiding. 

"It's been 20 years, Michael, where could she be?", the skinny, older woman asked her husband. 

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