The end 1

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The three kids walked towards their parents who were holding two babies in their arms.They sat on the bed well jimin needed help so her father helped her up.

"Kids meet your brothers",the three looked at the babies.

"Their cute"-Kay


"Speak,roll over,shake hands,or high five papa they aren't trained",Jennie said poking taekook's cheek.

Everyone laughed which made Jennie upset.

"Hey don't laugh at my daughter she's trying",taehyung pulled her into a side hug.

"They aren't dogs Jennie they are babies",Jennie rolled her eyes.

"I asked for a dog not more siblings",jungkook sighed he thought Jennie was going to be happy and jimin sad but it was the other way around.

"We know you wanted a dog but we can't have one right now just wait until your brother are bigger",Jennie ignored her father she was starting to rebel.

"If that was my child she would've been dead",Jin said glaring at his children who hid behind their father.

"Jennie why are you acting so different you were so happy when we told you",taehyung asked worried.

"It's okay to be upset about things but these are your siblings",jimin said rubbing her back.

"I know but what if they forget me",Jennie's eyes watered.

She was happy about having little brother.But she noticed how her father changed he was all about the twins.The house the was filled with baby stuff and everything was being baby proofed.She wondered why was her father so crazy over the twins and not her.She was the second born she lived her first three years not knowing her father.

But the moment he was back jimin was born and now the twins.She never got alone time with her father there was always someone else in the way.She hated her baby brothers because now she would be forgotten.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll be too busy with the babies to care about me you guys never pay attention to me.I'm your child too jimin isn't even yours but you love her more than me",everyone was shocked but her screaming caused the babies to start crying.

She glared at them the moment she gets the attention she wanted they took it away.She expected her parents to ignore her but she was surprised when her father picked her up.

"We are going to have a talk only us too.I'll be back.",Tae left the room taking Jennie outside.

"Jennie why do you think I don't love you",she looked away scared of what he would do if she said the wrong thing.

"I",she wanted to tell him but now that she's in front of her father alone.She feels scared this wasn't what she wanted she just wanted her father.

"I thought the same thing once too but it was different when I first started dating your father I only did it to get back at jimin for stealing my crush.I thought that if I stole his we would be even.I was going to break up with your father but my parents found out.They kicked me out and your dad let me stay at his house",he sat down on the old rusty bench he patted the seat next to him.Jennie sat down listening to his story.

"I loved your father so much but my jealousy got the best of me.I wasn't there for kay or you because I was stupid.Jennie I'm sorry for not being there I promise I won't ever leave you or your siblings ever again.I'm sorry for making you feel this way I'm so sorry",jennie hugged her father.

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