Prologue/Chapter 1

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So there we were, our face inches apart. He took me outside so we could talk in private. Truthfully, I was scared about what he was going to do.

"Halle, I love you," my best friend, Harry, whispered in my ear.

"No, Harry. You can't. This isn't right and you know it," I answered him, not wanting anyone at this party to hear us.

"I know it's not right, but I know you feel this way too." It's true, I did feel that way. I wish I didn't but I couldn't deny it any longer.

"I know I do, but I can't do this to Jaden. Do you know how much he will hate me? And what about Mia, you love her. You would crush her and she would never talk to you again," I asked Harry, tears coming to my eyes.

"Anything's worth it to be with you. I wish you would feel the same way about me."


"OH MY GOSH! That's HILARIOUS!" My boyfriend Jaden screamed sitting next to me.

"But... This is so stupid! It's clearly 'shopped" Alyson, my best friend, said from the other side of me.

"I know ridiculous right?" Not me, Halle Walsh, my boyfriend, Jaden Reynolds, or my best friend, Alyson Winters, could stop cracking up.

"And who would make something like that?!" Jaden asked.

"AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!" We all chorused, reciting our favorite internet meme, then bursting into yet another fit of laughter.

We were sitting in my movie room in my house in Boston, Massachusetts watching a stupid video of a turkey learning how to surf. It was summer vacation, but only one week until our first day of college started. It was a really nice day outside, but being three 18-year-olds, we decided to spend our day inside and on the internet.

"How did you find something like that?" Alyson asked after we all calmed down and turned on a little bit of music.

"Darrin e-mailed it to me last week," I said about my 17-year-old brother that I was really close to, then started humming to the song that was playing through my iPhone speakers.

"Oh my gosh, can we please not listen to this band again?" Jaden whined. "I'm tired of listening and seeing One Direction everywhere I go."

"NO!" Alyson and I shouted back at him. We jumped up and started singing and dancing. "Would he say he's in L-O-V-E, well if it was me then I would!" I sang at the top of my lungs. Jaden just rested his elbow on my MacBook Pro sitting next to him, and did a face-palm shaking his head.

"Would he hold you if you're feeling low, baby you should know that IIIII WOULD!!" Alyson sang back to me.

"Hey, sorry Halle, but my mom just texted me. I gotta go watch Erin while she goes to the store," Jaden said, getting up off the seat and shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Okay, see you later," I said, walking over to kiss his cheek.

"Alright, bye," He said, giving me his beautiful smile that made me fall in love with him a little over a year ago.

I always love thinking about the way we met. It was actually a pretty funny (and really cute) story. It was July of 2011, and I had just gotten my license and I was driving home when I stopped at Sonic for a cherry lime-aid. I was sitting in my car for about 5 minutes when and insanely hot black-haired brown-eyed boy skated up to my window and scared the crap out of me. I was on Twitter on my iPhone when he came up to me. He knocked on my window and made me drop my phone into the floorboard. I rolled down the window, and he apologized. When he gave me my receipt, there was a 10 digit number written at the bottom.

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