Chapter 24

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It was cold and I was scared. I had sat here on the floor locked in this closet for what seemed like hours. I rocked back and forth to keep warm with what little heat my small body could generate. I whimpered to myself because it all felt so hopeless. Where was my father? When would he come to free me from this closet that I locked myself in? Locked in because I didn't listen, when my dad told me not to play here. The door sticks and the lock is tricky. That's what he said anyway.

In the distance I heard the front door open and close. Minutes later I could hear my father screaming my name throughout the tiny cabin. Scared soundless, I am unable yell out to him. I can only hope that he will find me soon. When he is unable to locate me in the house and not thinking to check the closet, he rushes back out. I hear the front door slam. The house falls silent. I wrap my frail arms around my legs and rest my head on my knees, and begin to rock again.

"Kayla?" A familiar voice called from right outside the closet door. I always hear the voice when I'm scared. For long as I can remember it's been there. Filled with reassurance that everything was now going to be okay, I found my voice.

"Yes." I whispered somehow knowing that he heard.

"Or you okay?" The voice asked calmly.

"No, I'm locked in the closet and my daddy's gone." I mumbled, fresh tears beginning to roll down my face.

"Why don't you let yourself out Kayla?" The voice asked with amusement.

"The door's locked, I can't get out."

"Yes you can Kayla, now stand up." The commanding force of his voice had me on my feet and my arms at my side.

"Take one of the coats off a hanger. Use the wire one." I turned around and pulled a coat down on the closet floor and snatch the hanger off the bar.

"Now unwind it." I did what he said and unwound the wire hanger.

"Do you see the hole in the door knob?" The voice patiently asks.

"Yes." I respond.

"Make the wire as straight as an arrow and then bend it in the middle bringing the two ends together."  I did exactly what the voice told me to do and when I was finish I wait.

"Now take the two ends and stick them in the hole of the doorknob. Once you stick them in you are going to feel three tumblers, one at the top and two at the bottom. Do you feel them?"

I do what the voice tells me to and just like he says I feel the tumblers in the doorknob.


"Good. Now take the end of the hanger that is at the top of the hole and press it against the tumbler that is at the top and take the side of the hanger that is at the bottom of the hole and press it against the bottom left tumbler. Do it in that exact order Kayla." I follow directions. Once I am done I hear a little click. I immediately try the doorknob and it turns easily but the door still doesn't budge. My heart begins to pound.

"Do not panic, Kayla you did everything correct the door is just old and is sticking in place, but that can be handled with a swift kick in a distinct spot on the door, which you will have to be the one to deliver. Or you up for it, Kayla?" The voice questioned.

"I don't know. I'm little, and not that strong." I answered unsure about what the voice was asking of me.

"Strength Kayla is not size, but thought and calculation. When you are faced with an opponent that is bigger than you are, always look for a weakness. A spot that makes them vulnerable. Right now your opponent is the door and the spot is the narrow space between the doorknob and the door panel. When you kick that spot I want you lean into that kick putting your entire body weight into it."

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