Heartache (Fluff)

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Mumskall! I'm soft for these two uwu

Delay on this one because I had it partially written two weeks ago but then lost interest in writing for a couple days. Then I came back to finish this out of pure self bullying and thought this would be nice as a songfic. Long story short it's not a songfic because I can't trust myself to stay on task :(

So I wrote a short little poem instead!

Also heads up so nobody is confused, I'm using they/them pronouns for Iskall.

Also also can we talk about the fact that this book is over 5k reads??? Uhm??? Literally thank you all so much I didn't think my stuff was that special lol.

-Iskall doubts themself a tiny bit

Let me know if I missed anything and I will add it!

Wordcount [~1.3k]

~3rd POV~

Iskall sat on top of their branch canopy, which was devoid of leafy green. Their feet swung carelessly towards the ground which seemed light-years away. The sturdy feel of the branch underneath them was all they needed to feel secure, although the view from so high up would always be nerve-wracking. 

Though, no matter how Omega their tree was, it felt both squished and completely at home surrounded by a mass of five other hermit mega builds. All the bases were drastically different. From Magical Villages and glass rainbow's reflecting their beautiful light everywhere, to Star Wars inspired fortresses for the emperor and Mansions made to boast more wealth than the builder actually had.

Then, of course there was Mumbo's base. Iskall couldn't quite pin what it was, but it was pleasing to look at nonetheless. The massive wrench like shapes now surrounded a rather impressive looking tower which the mustache man had-

What was that word he used? Iskall thought to themself. Ruinated? 

The green specks of vines growing out from every crack in the dull grey stone gave the build life. The tower looked like it had been holding itself together with bubblegum and Band-Aids, but in a way that overall bettered the structure. The pièce de résistance? The sparkling golden heart situated hung from chains in the center. Iskall had no idea its purpose, but they liked the look of it. Mumbo's building style and the way he had improved over the years had often made Iskall flush over the hard work.

You're getting distracted again.

Iskall tore their eyes away from Mumbo's base and stared back at the empty and crumbled paper they held in their hands. See, the Swede had been having some trouble expressing themself lately and they decided it was best to try and write down what they were feeling. Specifically they wanted to put into words some certain feelings they had about a certain mustached man. Maybe even a letter to confess what words would not allow them to speak.

But, Iskall had so far been sat on their Omega Tree branches for what they could count for over an hour. Shredded paper bits lined the spots around them and some had already started the long journey to the ground below.

Okay how about-

Dear Mumbo,

Iskall ripped the top half off the paper and crumpled it in their palms.

My dearest Mumbo Jumbo,

That's way too formal.

Another tear. At this point Iskall was starting to feel bad for deciding the best place to do this was on top of their tree. They tucked their legs in criss cross and leaned on their arms. For what had to be the thousandth time, Iskall found themself staring down at Mumbo's base from their vantage point. The redstoner himself flew proudly above and rested on one of his wrenches, furthest from Iskall.

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