Etho Smells (Fluff)

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Everybody's favorite Beetho. Kinda.

Based off of the "Etho smells like Beef" before "and farts" was added.

No warnings! Fluffy :))

Also that last line sounds cursed out of context.

Wordcount: [~715] words pretty short

~3rd POV~

"You smell different, Etho."

The comment was rather innocuous. One that Etho knew had no meaning, but he couldn't help but further inquire.

"Different? Like how?" He remembered himself asking. It was partially a joke, but as the words tumbled out of his mouth, he found his curiosity piqued.

Doc only shrugged, putting on a show of getting uncomfortably close to Etho and inhaling loudly. He laughed, which triggered Etho to do the same. "I dunno man, it's just different. Kinda familiar, though."

"Is it bad?" Etho asked.

"Bad?" Doc repeated, backing away and packing more resources into his shulker box. "No, not bad. Kinda smells nice, to be honest. I just can't place it."

Etho stopped his block placements as he thought back to that conversation he had with Doc just earlier in the day. He should have forgotten about it by now, cleared up the space in his brain for more important things to think about. This, he just couldn't clear. Something in the back of his mind had been relaying the conversation on repeat all day in a meaningless loop of maddening repetition.

Something about it was just strange to him. Etho set his blocks down, gently gliding down to the area in his base right in front of the Googler. Hesitantly, he took a deep breath in through his nose, thinking about the scent. Etho couldn't pin anything different about it. 

Maybe Doc was just wrong, he's a granny, after all. Etho could finally put the intrusive nature of Doc's simple question behind him with disregard.


Etho tucked his knees to his chest, snuggling into his quilt further to get comfy. Technically, it was Beef's quilt, and Etho didn't need it anyway because of how humid the night always seemed in the jungle. He kept it anyway. It reminded him of Beef.

The day slowly melted into nothing but the past, Etho's senses overridden by the sweet scent of the quilt. It smelt strongly of fresh baked ceramic, like the heat of the sun on the warm sand before the tide swept in and washed away your sand castle. It smelt like freshly roasted marshmallows, ready for the graham crackers and chocolate. There was also a faint scent of llama fur. Etho loved the way Beef smelt. He let the aroma dance around his nose and engulf him in it's pleasantness like smoke. 

Soon enough, Etho was asleep. All night he dreamt about laying on that beach with Beef. Basking under the light of the sun and feeling the cool swish of air blowing in from the sea.

He dreamt of camping with Beef, making s'mores and eating them together under the pale moonlight, their faces sticky with marshmallows and melted chocolate.


"Etho! I'm glad I ran into you!"

Etho whipped his head around, a surprised sound ripping from his throat as he surveyed who had grabbed his attention. "Beef? What can I do you for?"

The man smiled kindly, making his way closer to Etho and holding an article of clothing in his stubby hands. 

"What's that?" Etho asked, taking it in his own hands and examining it for a moment. It was one of his vests, the dark green one he had thought he lost. "Thank you! Where did you find it?"

"You left it at my Hacienda last time you visited," Beef explained, meeting Etho's eyes with a simple nod. Beef always had the advantage of being taller. "Sorry it- uh- sorry it took a couple of days to get back."

Etho smiled, slipping the vest over his shoulders and then wrapping his arms around his friend in a quick manner. "That's alright, thanks for getting it back." He said.


"I'm starting to smell it, too." The white haired cosplayer informed, after a somewhat quiet dip in conversation. It had been a few days since their last session of building together. Doc looked back at him with regard, the question falling from his lips without a word asked.

"What do you smell?"

With a smile, Etho explained. "Whatever you were smelling on me last time. I know what it is, I just didn't then because it was normal to me."

Doc cocked an eyebrow. "What might that be?"

"I smell like Beef."


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