"Halloween night" (Gen)

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Yes, Happy Halloween! I apologise that this is so short, my hope is to find motivation to finish at least one of the drafts I have right now hopefully this week. We'll see.

No triggers!

Also Gritho sorta because yes!

Wordcount: [~550]

~3rd POV~


rian huffed, fixing the crooked straw hat on his head and confusedly wringing the empty pillowcase between his hands. He was the only one on the street, everything else seemingly desolate despite the lot of houses, which all had their lights off. He hadn't even seen any children out earlier, which confused him further. How could people celebrate Halloween without Trick-Or-Treating?

With one more last ditch effort, the young teen bounded up one last set of concrete steps, his boots smashing and loud against them. He glanced at the lit porch light, hoping someone would actually answer this time as he knocked on the dark wood door. After a long pause, Grian was ready to give up and just go home thinking Halloween cancelled, but someone indeed came to the door.

"Can I help you?" The man asked, his white hair messy and haphazardly tied out of his pale face, which sported a pretty nasty looking scar which Grian couldn't decide was makeup or not. He barely looked older than Grian, but was very lanky.

"Trick-Or-Treat!" Grian smiled. He was met only by a confused chuckle.

"Uh..what?" The man laughed.

"You know, Trick-Or-Treat? For Halloween?"

The man shook his head. "Yeah, I know that. But Halloween was yesterday."

Grian frowned, pulling his phone out of the pocket of his blue overalls. Despite his assumptions, the screen turned on and the date read November 1st. "How on earth have I not noticed that all day?! Is that why nobody has been answering their doors?!"

The man laughed, breathy and practically silent. "What are you even supposed to be?" He asked Grian.

Pouting, Grian responded. "A scarecrow! I worked on this outfit for so long, too!"

The man shook his head, rubbing his tired looking eyes. "Look, just wait here, okay?" And before Grian could form a response, the man turned on his heel. The glass door closed behind him with a slam that echoed across the cul-de-sac. Grian watched him climb a set of stairs and disappear into a different room.

Grian waited as asked, but it felt like forever. Eventually, after maybe a couple minutes, the white haired man returned to the door, sliding on the smooth floor in his dinosaur socks with a bucket in hand.

"Happy Halloween!" He chuckled, motioning for Grian to open his pillowcase. "You're lucky I still have a bit left over. You should head home though, I don't think anyone else will be passing any out past 11, let alone the day after Halloween." He grabbed a couple of handfuls of candy from his bucket, generously piling it into Grian's pillowcase with a silent smile. Then, after he finished, he slipped in what looked like a scrap of paper. "Well, goodnight!"

Just as he had appeared, the man disappeared back into his house before Grian could ask questions or even thank him. Grian decided to follow his instruction, taking his late prize and silently cursing himself all the way home. He absently reached into his bag, pulling out the paper curiously and reading as he walked.

A number was scrubbed down, followed by a note.

My name is Etho. Maybe I can help you not be late for stuff?


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