Part one

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Hunks screams could be heard through the comms mixing with Lance's as they plummeted towards an icy planet.

As they crashed through the icy surface, Lance's head lunged forward at the impact.
After allowing his head to clear for a few seconds, he grunted and looked around, acutely aware of the silence that now filled the comms.
"Hunk, you okay? Hunk?"
Worry ate away at his chest until he heard the familiar and unpleasant sound of hunk barfing into our comms.
"I'm fine."
"You just threw up, didn't you?" Disgust dripped off my voice as memories of car journeys with Hunk as a child seeped into his mind.
"Well, yeah. You would too if you got sucked out of a wormhole at light-speed, then crash-landed on an ice planet and ended up underwater.", My best friend replied with an annoyed, defensive tone.
"That is what happened to me!"
"Oh, Right."
The blue paladin sighed, he often worried about how Hunk would stay alive without him.

'He doesn't need you.'

"Cállate.", He muttered under his breath. Hunk may not be fluent in Spanish but he didn't want to risk offending him and then having to explain how the voices were getting stronger again.

In an effort to distract himself, he began checking Blues systems, hopefully to get them back to the castle before this gets any worse. He just couldn't stop the nagging worry over his teammates.
He had seen Keith and Shiro being swept out together and although he knew they were both amazing fighters he couldn't help feeling anxious. Not to mention Pidge.
She was like a little sister to him. Although he definitely knew by now that he shouldn't have to worry. The girl's a complete badass and a genius.

His controls flashed red, bringing him back to his senses.
"My main systems down. The crash must have screwed it up." Lance reported glumly, "Does yours work?"
"Mines on reserve power. My lion's pretty much dead in the water."

Lance groaned. He could almost see his smug expression. This is why as much as he hated it, he was the goofball of the group.
As much as the rest of the team complain about it, their humor isn't much better than his, he didn't even really know what Mullet's is to be honest.
'That's going to be my new goal when we get back, making Mullet laugh.'

"This situation is bad enough, Hunk. Don't make it worse with puns."

"I'm just shocked that we hit a planet. I thought Pidge said space was 90% empty."

"Well, apparently Pidge's science is wrong."

"We need to contact the others and get back to the group immediately.
Hello, anyone? This is Hunk and Lance of the yellow and blue lions."

"They know the colors of our lions."

"Oh, right. Okay, yeah. I always forget that."
Again how does he get through the day.

'Because he's not as useless as you.'

His thoughts were interrupted along with their descent as they hit the sea floor.
The sound of blue grinding at the rocky surface beneath them snapped him back to attention.
"We gotta check for damage and get these lions running."
"Copy that"
"Oh, good. The blue lions coming back online. Welcome back, beautiful."
The blue glow of his lion was comforting yet oddly eerie at the same type. Lance felt an grateful purr in the back of his head at the compliment.

He brought her head up with the headlight breaking into the dark water and started when he saw a silhouette ahead of him.
It swam away almost as soon as the light hit it but long enough for him to make out a rough shape.
"Uh...Hunk, did...did you just see something swim by?"
"What? No."
Lance spun his controls around trying to get a good look around them, when he saw it again. A mermaid, defiantly a mermaid.
"No way! This is going to sound crazy, but I think I just saw a mermaid."

"Oh, boy. Okay, how hard did you bang your head when we hit the planet?"

"Dude, I'm serious!" He was almost offended but he got why he wouldn't believe him.
'Why would he believe you? You just mess around all the time. Why would now be any different?'

Lance gasped as it appears again, "Look! There it is again! Hey, come here! Where you going? Hey slow down!", he said as he spun around, desperately trying to get a good look at what he was assuming was a her.

Lance had always been fascinated with mermaids. He would totally believe that they were real.
"Lance, Knock it off. We have to stay focused and get to the others...and you're outside your lion. Great."

"I know we have to find the others. I'm just saying maybe this thing can help.", He tries to reason, "Also it's a mermaid. A mermaid! Come on, let's find it!"

"No. No way. Nope. Not going out there."
"Okay, you stay here, by yourself, in the dark, all alone in a lion that's out of commission."
Before he even finished speaking he was out.
"Don't leave me!"
Lance turned the torch on his gauntlet on and revealed the mermaid from before hiding behind a rocky pillar. It swam off, not waiting for them to catch up.
"Come on!"
They swam, or more propelled themselves with their jet packs, towards the mysterious creature.
"I can't believe this. We're chasing a real life mermaid!", Hunk proclaimed excitedly. Ahead of them the mermaid giggled.

She then sped up and hid out of their sight.
"Hey, wait, wait, wait! We're friendly!"
He looked around for the mermaid quickly before both he and Hunk spotted the large, glowing, underwater castle laid before them.
Both paladins squeak in surprise and turn to see the mermaid from before floating behind them. She was colored yellow, pink and blue with large dark eyes.
"Welcome to my village. Here all are safe and warm." She tilted her head to the right to give them a small closed eyed smile.
They quickly noticed the two larger, armed mermen looming behind them. They shrieked and sped behind the nicer looking mermaid.
"Please, do not startle our guests. I am Florona. The almighty queen Luxia, keeper of this land, would love to meet with you."
"Wait, how'd your Queen know we were here?" Lance asked curiously although it probably sounded more suspicious.
"Queen Luxia knows all."
Well that wasn't ominous at all.

Soon they were at the castle gates, meeting with the Queen.
"Space travelers, I am Queen Luxia. I welcome you to our village as honored guests."
Hoping to perhaps gain a new ally for the coalition, Lance made sure to introduce himself, "The honors all ours, I'm la- aaaaance"
Well that failed, he thought as he floated upside down in front of the Queen.

"Uh Misses Queen," Hunk began as he grabbed Lance's leg, attempting to bring him the right way round, "Your honor, your excellence, I'm Hunk. And me and my buddy here, we crash-landed on your lovely planet, but we really need to get back in touch with our friends who are in space.", finally he was back in a more normal position, "Uh would you possibly have any way of doing that?"

"Hunk, Lance, I can solve all of your problem. Here we are all safe and warm."

Lance began to zone out as Hunk started asking about magic, they probably just meant they'd be able to help them find their friends but he couldn't help but think of his dwindling supply of antidepressants.
'Stop just thinking about yourself. The others could be in danger and all you can think about are your pills?!'
Yeah, I'm just being selfish.
Lance tried to pay attention again as they were given air bubbles so they could breathe normally without their helmets. He absentmindedly wondered about the pressure of the water and how they didn't look like raisins right now.

The Queen led them inside to a dining room. They talked about their friends, how they crashed and the Queen talked about how her planet has frozen over and how they had been forced beneath the surface and how they relied on the plants from the Baku garden for food.

As they ate, Lance began to feel fuzzy and warm, completely at ease.
Soon enough everything went dark.

Lance is my favorite character so of course there's gonna be a ton of angst. This is also my first fanfic so any criticism is appreciated.

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