Buzz Kill

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Ah. Just great. The first slow song of the night. Talk about a way to make an awkward moment even worse.

"Look into my eyes."

Nate half gagged, half laughed. Erik couldn't be serious.

"We are so not doing this whole 'cheesy romance' thing."

"You're right. We're not. But I still expect you to do as I requested."

"Erik...C'mon. Really?"

Erik looked at Nate expectantly, obviously not letting this go anytime soon.

Gah. As if they weren't already a spectacle. Yeah, they soneeded to add acting like freakin' weirdoes to the list of reasons people were staring at them...still.

Well.... it would only be 3 minutes. That was it. And then he could return to his previous past time of standing around and trying to pretend like he didn't feel the eyes of half of the school on him. The least he could do was humor Erik and whatever insane notion he'd suddenly gotten, seeing as his boyfriend had spent at least 900 bucks just to arrange this little night.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Nate mumbled, looking up and meeting Erik's gaze.

"And no looking away."

1 second. 2.3.

Nate bit down on his lip, trying to stop the silly smile that was already spreading across his face. Which was weird, because this wasn't exactly one of those situations where smiling was an expected response. It was kind of like you had to, though, because keeping a straight face while staring at someone for more than just a few seconds meant you either had absolutely nothing going on up there, or were mentally unstable...and by mentally unstable, he meant in love. Which was just an awkward thought in itself.

"Now put out your hands. But keep your eyes on me."

Nate let out an embarrassed sigh as he clumsily extended his hands forward. God. Was he really doing this?

Nate jolted slightly as he felt Erik's hands take hold of his own. He really wanted to look down and see what the hell he was doing, but at the angle he had to crank his head at just to meet Erik's gaze, seeing whatever was going on in his peripheral vision was basically impossible.

"Now step forward."

Nate hesitated, flushing even more as he followed Erik's instructions. Yes, of course. The only thing more awkward than staring someone in the eyes was doing it while you were within kissing distance.

Erik's peppermint scent washed over him as he stood mere inches from him, barely winning over the stench of body odor that had engulfed the small gym. Well, at least, if nothing else, he wouldn't have to deal with the smell while he was making a fool out of himself.

"Now move with me. No looking down, or around." Erik ordered, his steady hands holding up Nate's shaky ones.

"Erik, you're going to have a foot full of broken toes, I swear."

Erik raised an eyebrow. "Trust me, Nathaniel, I've had much more substantial football injuries at the hands of guys three times your size."

Nate opened his mouth to respond, only to close it as he felt Erik move them both back. Then to the left. Forward, and then right, back to where they had started before completing the small circular motion again.

At first, Nate struggled just to keep himself upright, tripping over his own two feet with every step he took. The only way he hadn't ended up flat on his ass several times was because Erik was supporting him with his own hands. And he knew he was stepping on Erik's feet. He had to be. But Erik didn't seem to mind, or even notice for that matter. Hell, he was probably just masking it for his sake. This was already embarrassing as hell, stumbling around like some drunk. The only thing that could make it worse was Erik cringing every few steps because he was crushing his feet.

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