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I lean against the wall, his face so close to mine. I try backing away, but nowhere seems far enough. Why was he doing this? This wasn't the same Uncle Niall from eight years ago. Was it because he knew that I did have feelings for him, or because he didn't know still? Could it be his feelings have never changed, that he just sees me as his 'princess' still?

He doesn't step away and I look towards the door frantically, Ollie would be back at any moment.

"Niall?" My voice says shakily.

"What, I'm not 'Uncle Niall' anymore?"

I roll my eyes as I struggle to continue, "Why did you come back, really?"

"I thought it was time to."

I swallow roughly, remembering the most important thing...the thing I had forgotten in the midst of drunken stupidity..."What about your wife?"

He steps back, finally, he steps back giving me space. Niall looks at me hesitantly, "Ems, I—"

"Found them! And mom said to bring up desert!" Ollie says bursting into the room, unaware of the tense atmosphere.

"Great, that looks good." Uncle Niall says taking the tray from Ollie's hands. Ollie smiles at him and takes his sticks off the tray. He heads to the drums right away.

"Eat your ice cream first, Ollie." I know he won't but I should at least try to get him to.

"I want to play for Uncle Niall."

I turn to look at Niall and say, "Niall isn't going anywhere, are you Niall?"

He nods his head and gives me the smile I had fallen in love with so long ago, "No, I'm here to stay."


After about two hours of hearing Ollie play (murder) the drums, and hearing Niall retell stories about the days the band was together, my little brother finally tuckered out on top of his bed.

Niall smiles to himself as he places a blanket upon Ollie and quietly leads me out of the room. I could hear mum and dad watching a movie downstairs, and knew that for now they were occupied.

I tilt my head towards my room and Niall nods and leaves the door open behind him. I turn on the light and immediately he looks around, astounded.

"It hasn't changed at all."


I sit on my bed, not really sure what to do as Niall walks around my room looking at pictures upon my wall and the awards I had received all throughout secondary school.

"Wow, my little over achiever." He says with a chuckle, "What about Uni, what are you studying?"

"Undecided for now."

"What a bullshit response." He says turning to look at me, "All your life you've always known what you wanted, and you can't pick a career?"

"It's going to affect my entire life."

"My point exactly, you go by instinct, princess. You shouldn't have to think it through." I nod, not wanting to get into an argument about this now. "Are you living at Uni?"

"Yeah, I'm only back for the summer."

"It's not far?"

"No, I just needed to get out while I could." He laughs, and I smile.


"Hmmm?" He's looking at the books I had lined up upon my table, and doesn't even bother to turn back and look at me.

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