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My heart beats wildly as I look up into Niall's piercing blue eyes. I try to focus on anything but the severity of this situation. He hadn't shaved today, his stubble noticeable only because of the fluorescent lighting in the tiny loo. His hair had returned to its natural brown shade, he didn't bleach it. The tile on the wall was incredibly white, they must clean it often...

"Emma." He says trying to regain my attention.

I turn to look at him, almost immediately regretting it. He looks into my eyes, almost pleading with me to close the gap between us. As if he were too scared to do it on his own.

"What do we have to talk about," I say in a shaky voice.

He smirks at me, his hands on the tile wall behind me, "Really Emma? What do we have to talk about? Perhaps the little outburst you had in my car earlier?"

"Outburst?" My anger begins to flare up once more, making me push him off of me.

"Yes, outburst." He says, never breaking eye contact, even though I had thrown him off balance.

"Just say what you were thinking, there's obviously a reason why you came here to look for me after my "little outburst"." I say making air quotes sarcastically.

He walks in the tiny confined space, pacing, thinking. "I didn't come here to do this."

"What is this!?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay! That I hadn't fucked up again!" He says angrily, his voice rising another octave.


"No, let me finish." He says holding up a hand, "You...you've always been like a bloody daughter to me Emma. I've always thought of you that way."


"And then today, when I saw that fucking wanker inches away from your face, I lost it."

"And why would that be?" I say, obviously trying to push his buttons.



He groans loudly in frustration. "Emma! This isn't fucking right! That night....that we....I couldn't stop thinking about you! I couldn't! And I felt so terrible, like a bloody pervert!"

"Niall what isn't fucking right!? You said it yourself! It was a mistake! That we weren't going to talk about it anymore!"

"Shut up will you! I need to finish saying this!" I huff angrily, but allow him to continue. "Emma, I have been trying so fucking hard to get things back to how they used to be, because I'm scared. I'm scared that....that....I'm in love with you."

My jaw goes slack.

"Emma?"I try to compose myself as he turns to look at me.

"I...I..." I lean against the wall trying to breathe.

"But, I don't think we can do this. It isn't right."



"You don't have to do anything. Maybe you're just doing it for my benefit." I try to rationalize, because honestly, none of this was making any type of sense. "There isn't anything you have to do, really. I'll...I'll just get over it." He stays quiet, only stares at me. "Just, go on with you life, don't worry about me. I know we can't do this, and I'm sorry...." I blink back tears before I full out sob, "I'm sorry I even told you that. I really am."

"Why would you say that?" He says approaching me. "What makes you think I'll be able to get over you?"

My heart stops. "What?"

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