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Aside from the issue of dad possibly finding out about everything that had happened thus far, I was having reoccurring panic attacks at the simple thought of Niall's touch.

There were sleepless nights where all I thought of were his fingers upon my skin, or my hands tangled in his silky hair. It was bloody marvelous thinking that he was mine. But these were all relatively innocent thoughts.

But then, what would I do when faced with a man? Surely Niall had...ahem...done it before. And here I was, my second kiss in twenty years. Was I even ready for this?

From the sound of it, Niall was. His constant teasing and touches, they begged for more. But how could I even think of doing anything more when his simple touch sent me into cardiac arrest?


I jump up from my bed, thoughts scrambled, and smile in relief at mum's face peeking in the doorway.

"What's up?"

"Oh, just checking in." She says coming to sit upon my bed. I lay my head in her lap and immediately she starts running her delicate fingers through my blonde waves.

"Heard something interesting that your dad said yesterday."

"What's that?"

"Said he overheard you and Uncle Louis the other day."

I jump up, "No."

"Ems, it's okay."

"No, it's really not."

"Your dad was just a tad bit concerned."

"And why would that be?"

"Well, love, you're not eleven anymore. This crush...it's not as innocent as before."

I blush furiously, "Mum."

She rolls her eyes, "Grow up, Emma. I'm trying to speak to you woman to woman."

"Oh, please, don't." I plead.

"Emma." she says ignoring me completely, "It's okay. I understand that maybe you still fancy your Uncle Niall, but you're at an age where...things could get rather...messy."


"I'm not saying that your Uncle Niall would reciprocate your feelings," Oh boy, was she in for a surprise then, "But if he were to find out about this...it may cause some...tension?" She says struggling to find the right word.

"Okay, mum."

"Why don't you find a nice boy your age? What was that lad's name? Lucas?"

"He's a wanker." I say rubbing my temples.

"Well, never mind him. Just...don't...don't think that what I'm saying is that you shouldn't like your Uncle Niall."

"I know."

"It's just that...I don't want you to get your heart broken, Emma. You know?"

I smile wearily, "I know."

She fluffs my hair, "Maybe it's my fault. I did always encourage you."

I chuckle, "Good point." I'd remember that for when shit hit the fan.

"Well, either way, let's just tell your dad that you were messing around. Don't need him to get all worked up about nothing."

"I couldn't agree more."


It was a rainy, gray, and quite frankly depressing day once more in the small town of Primrose Hills. Big surprise.

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