F I F T Y - O N E

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Zoe looks at me with her trusting honey-colored eyes and smiles, "Emma, we weren't expecting you to get here for at least a week."

"Who is we?"

She smirks, "Niall."


"Obviously you've put two and two together?"

"Yeah...um..." I look away from her and she smiles sweetly.

"Emma, you're on a scavenger hunt."

"So cliche." Janice mutters.

"I'd agree with you there, love." Zoe says chuckling at Janice's remark. "But, you have to admit, it's pretty bloody romantic."

We all nod simultaneously.

Zoe clears her throat and continues, "Well...there was supposed to be something in the room, but I was told you wouldn't be coming for at least a week or two. Niall said we shouldn't really be expecting you that soon."


She nods, "That's why it's rented already. I have it blocked out for the next three months after this couple leaves."

"Three months?"

"Well, he didn't know when to expect you..."

'Or if he should...' I think silently to myself.

"Can you do me a favor, Zoe?"

"Of course." She nods solemnly.

"Can you not tell Niall that I was here already?"

"You want to have the element of surprise still, love?"

I nod and she chuckles, "Oh, goodness. This is going to be fun to watch play out."

"You're telling me." Janice says with a smile.

"So..." I start.

"Oh, yes, yes, of course!" Zoe says turning around and going into the drawers behind her. She shuffles through them loudly, before pulling out a large yellow manila envelope. "I believe this is yours."

I could feel my hands shaking as she places the envelope in my hands. I look at it wearily, I could feel Janice's stare on me before she even says, "Open it already!"

I tear the envelope open, seeing that there is merely a key inside. One it, there is a single thin key chain that reads "Luck of the Irish"

"Fucking shit, we're going to Ireland aren't we?" Janice says in a huff.

"Is it really that easy?" I say looking up at Zoe, "It's just as easy as going to his house?"

"I think that the first step, maybe the hardest, was just looking for him wasn't it? You know, the whole, 'Should I run after him, or wait til he comes back?'" Janice says looking at me.


"And maybe he wanted you to find him as quickly as possible. Maybe he didn't know your dad would forgive him, maybe he thought you were running away so he had to make sure he could cover his tracks...maybe he made it so easy so that you could find him, but no one else could..."

"You're right."

Zoe simply looks at us and smiles, "I would suppose that a five hour drive to Mullingar is the last thing either of you want to do tonight."

"Actually..." I say looking at Janice, "It's not that late..."

Janice looks at me, wide eyed, "Are you out of your bloody mind!? It's nearly nine! I'm not going back on the road!"

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