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"All of them?" I mutter as we walk through the spacious aisles of Tesco.

Niall drives the cart, stopping every few seconds to grab things off the shelves, "All of them, Ems."

"Like, every single one of them are coming?" I say pausing to grab two more boxes of pasta, seeing as Niall wanted to feed about 20 people with only three boxes.

"Yes. Every. Single. One." He says grabbing the boxes from my hands and putting them in the cart.

"Wow. It's been so long since we've all been together."

"It's because I'm back." He says cockily.

I roll my eyes, "What time are they coming over?"

"We have a few hours."

"But, really? Today?"

Niall looks up at me and smiles, giving me butterflies, "It was the only day everyone was free."

We continue down the aisles, grabbing absurd amounts of food and filling the shopping cart to the brim. How mum would manage to make this into a feast for that many people I would really like to see.

"I've missed them." I say as we start to head out of the store, shopping cart now full of bags.

"It's nice to see the family back together." Niall says pushing the cart through the parking lot.


A silence fills the slight space between us, but it's comfortable, as it's always been.

"You know, we can talk about what happened yesterday." He says, not looking at me.

"I know what happened yesterday."

"So what are we going to do about it?" He says opening the car and starting to place groceries inside the trunk.

I go to grab a bag and brush my hand against his on accident, instead of moving his hand he grasps mine, I smile "What can we do about it?"

"Maybe we should try this out?"

And for the first time I don't think about dad or mum or what anyone else will think, I simply say "Yes."

He grabs the last bag, throwing into the trunk, and closes the door. He leans over and kisses my cheek, "Good."


For the first time in the longest, I watch mum as she scurries around the house. She fluffs the pillows on the sofa, rearranges flowers in vases, and somehow still manages to put on a beautiful dress and curl her hair.

I watch in amazement as she starts opening the oven, revealing the source of the delicious warm smell the house had acquired.

"That looks ace mum." I say admiring her from my stool at the counter.

Mum looks up at me and smiles, "Would have been better if I had more time."

I roll my eyes and smile, "Mum, really? It looks like bloody perfection as it is."

She blushes and shoos me away, "Go finish getting ready, they'll be here soon! Liam just called and said he and Sophia were only a few minutes away."

I hop off the stool and walk towards the staircase, already knowing what I was going to wear. But as I go to open the door to my room, I hear the plucking of guitar strings, distracting me from my current mission. I tilt my head slightly, realizing that the sound was coming from the small makeshift studio dad had made long ago.

I walk to the door, opening it slightly, and peeking through the crack. I see Niall with a guitar upon his legs, humming a melody. What a damning melody it was, coming from his angelic voice.

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